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Get to Know/help

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Get to Know/help
Message from parv posted on 30-05-2013 at 14:10:06 (D | E | F)

Please give me some examples with get to know which would help me to make a better understanding.
Also, is there anything like get into know in English as I am a little bit confused about this.
Thanks in advance. 

Edited by lucile83 on 30-05-2013 15:42

Re: Get to Know/help from dolfine56, posted on 30-05-2013 at 17:38:28 (D | E)
Here are some exemples with "get to know:

A world of peace to get to know.
Ça deviendrait un peu moins l'enfer.

I did not have the opportunity to get to know him.
e n'ai pas eu l'occasion de le connaître personnellement.

They were invited to come to Luxembourg and get to know us.
ils étaient invités à venir au Luxembourg et faire leur connaissance.

I, uh -- I just want to get to know who I do business with.
Je veux juste savoir avec qui je traite.

It only takes a few minutes to get to know Senator Perry.
Connaître le sénateur Perry ne prend que quelques minutes.

Is it clear enough?
I know nothing about "get into know".
see you.

Re: Get to Know/help from hushpuppy, posted on 30-05-2013 at 17:45:50 (D | E)
Here you go

"I would like to get to know you better."
"It's important to get to know your study material by heart."

"get to know" is the short way of saying "an undefined duration of time in an attempt to attain knowledge of something or someone, a goal that may or may not be achievable", which is why "better" is used in the first example, as one cannot expect to know another person completely.

"get into 'the know'" is the need to be up-to-date with current events for someone who is not.
"in the know" is for someone who is.

Hope that helps !

Edited by hushpuppy on 30-05-2013 17:47
Dolfine has given you some great examples for "get to know". (Hi Dolfine J'étais en train de poster en même temps excellent exemples)

Re: Get to Know/help from dolfine56, posted on 30-05-2013 at 17:51:10 (D | E)
Hello Hushpuppy, Thanks to you, now I know...!

Now, I'm in the know thanks to Hushpuppy

Re: Get to Know/help from hushpuppy, posted on 30-05-2013 at 17:54:08 (D | E)
Hi Dolfine,
Now you are "in the know"
Bonne journée !!

Re: Get to Know/help from eos17, posted on 30-05-2013 at 18:27:28 (D | E)
Hello Parv
- "Please give me some examples with get to know which would help me to make a better understanding."
The verb get + infinitive expresses that the action is realised. It's a success in spite of difficulties .
Ex : Once you got to know him , you got to like him and became friends
My father gets to hear my wishes to become an actress.
Good evening

Re: Get to Know/help from parv, posted on 31-05-2013 at 05:54:20 (D | E)
Thank you all

Please also help to differentiate the meaning of the two sentences below
I did not have the opportunity to know him.
I did not have the opportunity to get to know him.


Edited by lucile83 on 31-05-2013 07:34

Re: Get to Know/help from eos17, posted on 31-05-2013 at 08:20:05 (D | E)
hello parv
-I did not have the opportunity to know him.
I did not have the opportunity to get to know him
In the first sentence , he hadn't the chance to meet him. That's all !
In the second sentence, to get to know emphazizes on the efforts he made to meet him.He really wanted to meet him but in spite of his willpower he couldn't.
Have a good day.

Re: Get to Know/help from parv, posted on 31-05-2013 at 10:24:08 (D | E)
Hi Eos
You are right,thanks.

Re: Get to Know/help from hushpuppy, posted on 31-05-2013 at 16:15:30 (D | E)
Good morning,
There is quite a difference between "to know" or "to get to know" and "meet". You can get to know someone without meeting them, even.
Personally, I wouldn't use the first sentence. I would say "I didn't know him." or "I did not have the opportunity to meet him.", and I would use the second for someone whom I had met but never had the opportunity to get to know.
Hope that helps !

Re: Get to Know/help from annaska, posted on 02-06-2013 at 22:48:06 (D | E)
Hi Parv,

the following examples will help you understand the difference or rather "cause and effect" relationship between "get to know" = to know somebody very well as a result. It's similar to : "get married" and "be married", "study and learn", "get the chance and have a chance, "get lost and be lost" etc.
Here's a more precise example: "When I first met him, I thought he was arrogant, but when I got to know him better, I realized he was quite the opposite, very considerate and generous".

Take care and good luck in your English studies.

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