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Sentence dazzles me/help

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Sentence dazzles me/help
Message from rhapsod8 posted on 29-05-2013 at 14:00:57 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone,

glad to be here as a new comer.I'm a Chinese middle school English teacher.I read an academic book on TEFL recently and was confused at the sentence like this:
Instead, Stanovich has developed a way to carry out these studies by creating checklists of common authors,magazine titles,book titles and so forth, and then matching what people check off as known with other measures taken of these people's abilities.
The long sentence was a little difficult for me to explain.Especially the last sentence:"and then matching what people check off as known with others with other measures taken of these people's abilities"
what does "of" want to refer to?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Edited by lucile83 on 29-05-2013 16:05

Re: Sentence dazzles me/help from gerondif, posted on 29-05-2013 at 15:00:45 (D | E)
I think the sentence puzzles you more than it dazzles you....

Instead, Stanovich has developed a way to carry out these studies .
How ? by creating checklists of common authors,magazine titles,book titles and so forth.

Then what did he do ? He matched what people check off as known , what people say they know from those checklists with other measures taken of these people's abilities/ with other measures which have been taken of these people's abilities // with other measures which they took of these people's abilities..

Re: Sentence dazzles me/help from rhapsod8, posted on 30-05-2013 at 03:57:18 (D | E)
hey there, shouldn't it be "from these people's abilities" to replace "of these people's abilities",as I thought "take measures from sb..."

Edited by rhapsod8 on 30-05-2013 03:58

Re: Sentence dazzles me/help from hushpuppy, posted on 30-05-2013 at 04:22:09 (D | E)
Hey there rhapsod8,
No, this is "of" :
"...and then matching what people check off as known with other measures taken of these people's abilities."

You can ask this question, and replace it with "from" to see the difference :
other measures of what ? these people's abilities. "other measures taken" is just to clarify that certain other measures were taken separately from the study involving the checklists.
other measures from what ? a different study, but this is already implied.
other measures of what and from what ? other measures taken (from a different study) of these people's abilities.

Hope that helps clear it up !

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