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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de henri160 posté le 25-05-2013 à 12:08:13 (S | E | F)

Cette lettre comporte certainement des fautes. Merci de m'aider en me les signalant. N'hésitez pas non plus à donner votre avis.
Bon week-end à vous et merci d'avance.

Subject : Internship in the field of fluid mechanical engineering

Dear M X
After an intensive program preparing for the national competitives exam for entry to engineering school, I am now a third year engineering student on a five-year course at the Ensiame Engineering School in France. And in order to acquaint myself with mechanical engineering department, I would like to apply for an internship during 5 or 6 months starting for September. Your company, which was recommended to me by M. X who was an intern with you in 6048, appears to correspond to my expectations.
Throughout my studies and experiences, I have acquired a thorough knowledge, like teamwork, sense of the responsibility and the importance of human relations. To me, these ones seem essential to join a production team. Particularly, I recently discovered the requirement to carry out studies to devise every fluid circuit. Moreover, the variety of factors to be taken into account made me want to continue in this field.
In the capacity of perfectionist, I use to take advantage of my ardour and my tenacity in order to obtain always well-established and sturdy results. My skills of communication make me more effective in the field for example. So I wish provide your company with my dynamism and rigour and thus benefit from a significant opportunity for the next step in my career.
I enclose a copy of my CV and hope to be invited for interview.
Your sincerely.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2013 13:12


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