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Message from mililia19 posted on 13-05-2013 at 20:48:03 (D | E | F)

Can you help me please?
I am going to have an exam of phonetic, about transcription.
Would you like please to give me some tips that could help me to improve my skills in transcription?
I really need a help.
Thank you in advance for all your answers

Edited by lucile83 on 13-05-2013 21:11

Re: Transcription/problem from traviskidd, posted on 14-05-2013 at 03:05:55 (D | E)
Hello, can you be more specific with your question? Do you have to write phonetic symbols to express the pronunciation of words? If so, do you have to do it in IPA?

Re: Transcription/problem from flh1229, posted on 14-05-2013 at 16:18:08 (D | E)
According to my own experience,you should keep calming down during the test.
Then read your sentence in order to check if you have made mistakes.
Have a nice day and good luck on your test.

Re: Transcription/problem from mililia19, posted on 14-05-2013 at 23:45:07 (D | E)
yes it is about phonetic symbols and it must be in IPA

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Forum > English only

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