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Which variant/help

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Which variant/help
Message from milasha posted on 25-04-2013 at 18:00:07 (D | E | F)
Hello evb everybody,
I want would like to know which variant is correct.
Thank you very very much.

``How do you like my room?``
``It will look much better if you_____.
a. have it painted
b. have painted it

Edited by lucile83 on 25-04-2013 22:28

Re: Which variant/help from jedi56, posted on 25-04-2013 at 19:10:01 (D | E)

in my opinion you have to use 'have it painted' because the construction is 'to have something done'
i.e.: 'I am going to have my car serviced' which means you are going to take your car to the mechanic in order to get it repaired.
I hope it helps you.

Re: Which variant/help from lucile83, posted on 25-04-2013 at 22:33:14 (D | E)

I agree with jedi56
a. have it painted is the right choice.

Re: Which variant/help from appleboy, posted on 26-04-2013 at 02:37:55 (D | E)
hello, I think 'a' is right.

Re: Which variant/help from krishh, posted on 29-04-2013 at 07:30:49 (D | E)
Yes, 'a' is right as the sentence is in future tense.

Re: Which variant/help from hushpuppy, posted on 29-04-2013 at 08:12:10 (D | E)
``How do you like my room?``
``It will look much better if you_____.
a. have it painted
b. have painted it

There are clues everywhere in these two choices. If you were to choose (a), your sentence, in response to the question, "How do you like my room?" would look like this :
a) "It will look much better if you have it painted."
It will look is in the future tense if you have it (painted, cleaned, extended, etc.) is conditional to It will look much better if

or if you choose (b) :
b) "It will look much better if you have painted it." which is, of course, a nonsensical term.
It will look is in the future tense you have painted it is in the past tense
The only way this second choice would make sense is if we change both the beginning and the ending like this :
"It would look much better if you had painted it." or "It looks much better now that you have painted it."

Hope that helps!

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