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The missing vowels /19

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The missing vowels /19
Message de marit64 posté le 24-04-2013 à 22:48:43 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right answer.

The number of vowels is given in 2 out of 10 answers.

1- A written composition. ..... (sys)
2- To make or become healthy. ..... (lh) 2
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr)
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... (tvgr)
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... (snlrc)
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lhfs)
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... (hdtdb) 3
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... (lgbn)
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... (ktchn)
10- To mix or throw together. ..... (bjlm)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de violet91, postée le 24-04-2013 à 23:06:18 (S | E)
Hello dear marit . I hope you are well and happy . Look ! The first time I am the first player !. I'll come back , without cheating at all !

1- A written composition. ..... (sys) Essay
2- To make or become healthy. ..... (lh) 2 heal
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr) destroy
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... (tvgr) vertigo
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... (snlrc)enclosure
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lhfs) foolish
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... (hdtdb) 3 deathbed
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... (lgbn) oblong
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... (ktchn) Thicken
10- To mix or throw together. ..... (bjlm) jumble

Look, now, marit from Montreal ...as we say overhere in familiar French, your game made worse with your depressing small devils has not been ' de la tarte'!

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de flowermusic, postée le 24-04-2013 à 23:14:05 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here I am
1- A written composition. ..... (sys) essay
2- To make or become healthy. ..... (lh) 2 heal
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr) destroy
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... (tvgr) vertigo
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... (snlrc) enclosure
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lhfs) foolish
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... (hdtdb) 3 deathbed
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... (lgbn) oblong
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... (ktchn) thicken
10- To mix or throw together. ..... (bjlm) jumble

Have a nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de headway, postée le 25-04-2013 à 08:32:13 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A written composition. ..... An essay.
2- To make or become healthy. ..... To heal.
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... To destroy.
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... Vertigo.
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... Enclosure.
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... Foolish.
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... Deathbed.
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... Oblong.
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... To thicken.
10- To mix or throw together. ..... To jumble.



Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de dolfine56, postée le 25-04-2013 à 09:55:05 (S | E)
hello dear marit,
Here we are...

1- A written composition. ..... (sys)--essay
2- To make or become healthy. ..... (lh) 2--to heal
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr) --to destroy
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... (tvgr)--vertigo
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... (snlrc)--enclosure
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lhfs)--foolish
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... (hdtdb) 3--deathbed
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... (lgbn)--oblong
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... (ktchn)--to tchicken
10- To mix or throw together. ..... (bjlm)--to jumble

Thanks a lot dear marit.
Enjoy that week.

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de esperanto, postée le 26-04-2013 à 11:14:11 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit, J'ai fait abstraction des résultats que j'avais entrevus il y a 2 jours, et mes recherches sont tout à fait personnelles. Les voici :

1)essay 2)heal 3)destroy 4)vertigo 5)encircle 6 foolish 7)deathbed 8)oblong 9)thicken 10) jumble

Je suis impatiente de recevoir les bonnes réponses. Merci infiniment. esperanto

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de swan85, postée le 26-04-2013 à 13:43:16 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Here are my replies.

1- A written composition. ..... (sys) an essay
2- To make or become healthy. ..... (lh) 2 to heal
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr)to destroy
4- A synonym of "dizziness". ..... (tvgr) Vertigo
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall. ..... (snlrc) an enclosure
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lhfs)Foolish
7- The bed in which a person dies. ..... (hdtdb) 3 a deathbed
8- A synonym of "rectangle". ..... (lgbn) Oblong
9- To make or become thick or thicker. ..... (ktchn) to thicken
10- To mix or throw together. ..... (bjlm)to Jumble

Thank you very much
Have a nice week-end

Réponse: The missing vowels /19 de sanna6, postée le 02-05-2013 à 19:19:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A written composition....essay
2- To make or become healthy....heal
3- To put an end to something or make it useless. ..... (tdysr)
4- A synonym of "dizziness"....vertigo
5- A land surrounded by a fence or wall.... enclosure
6- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly".... foolish
7- The bed in which a person dies....deathbed
8- A synonym of "rectangle"....oblong
9- To make or become thick or thicker.... thicken
10- To mix or throw together.... jumble

I'm sorry I'm late

Thank you very much!


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