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Correction / motivation

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Correction / motivation
Message de kenneth14 posté le 10-04-2013 à 17:55:05 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
étant à la recherche d'un job d'été en Angleterre j'ai donc fait ma lettre de motivation mais je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit sans fautes donc j'aurais bien aimé qu'on me corrige là où il y aurait des erreurs.
Merci par avance

I am currently classes in final year at Augustin Fresnel in Caen, and I am contacting you in order to submit an application for a summer job. More specifically, I am looking for a summer job which will allow me to work and deepen my English for the period between July 1st and August 1st, in order to finance my studies.

With the aim to make an DUT Technical of Marketing, a summer job abroad would be beneficial for me for the studies that I wish to pursue.

My first choice would be to go to Portsmouth because it is a city that I already know. In fact I went there in December 2007 to attend a football game. I was also able to visit the city which is really nice especially with the Spinnaker Tower. It is for these reasons that I would gladly return to Portsmouth. My second choice would be so to go to Alexandria

I think I have a correct level of English that will allow me to understand others and make myself understood. Furthermore I am a motivated, dynamic and to listen. I am ready to become involved and give a lot of myself.

I am available to provide any further information you request regarding my application.

Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2013 22:09


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