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Message from angrepa posted on 02-04-2013 at 00:46:52 (D | E | F)
can anyone explain about some doubts in exercise "toiling at the office" No. 98358?
1. Last year we were working.. (can it be "we worked" ? because "last year"is a definite point of past time)
2. ...we feel really very happy.. (can it be "..we are feeling really very happy...?
Thank you for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-04-2013 08:06

Re: Tenses/help from htheureau, posted on 02-04-2013 at 04:17:28 (D | E)

this is your exercise. I won't do it for you, just answer your two questions:

It (to be) 7 in the morning in Mexico City now. At present we (to work) on a project for a new company in Toluca. Last year we (to work) on a similar project for a different company but we (to leave) because our efforts were not rewarded there. Our company is a freight forwarder that (to move) cargo all over the world. Some of our clients (to live) in other parts of the world. Right now I (to speak) with a client from Hong Kong, but yesterday Erick (to speak) with another client from Denmark. We (to feel) really happy at this new company in Toluca and we (to hope) to continue working here for a long time.

1. Last year we were working is correct but not strictly necessary. It really depends on what you mean. As the important point seems to be that the project is now over, I think we worked is enough, in context, because of "last year", as you say.

2. It is the same thing for we are feeling really happy. Though it is not strictly wrong, the progressive form doesn't seem necessary here. We feel really happy is enough. Generally speaking, verbs like to think, to feel, to believe, are rarely in the progressive form, unless you want to stress that your thoughts, feelings or beliefs of the moment are liable to change. xxx

Never forget that grammar usage also depends on what you mean, what you want to say. Take it easy!

Edited by lucile83 on 02-04-2013 08:07
That's not the member's exercise, it is an exercise she took and had doubts about.

Re: Tenses/help from lucile83, posted on 02-04-2013 at 08:17:26 (D | E)

1. as the beginning is:
At present we are working on a project for a new company in Toluca.
I'll keep the -ing form for the next sentence and say 'were working'.
Another reason is that working on a project takes a long time,doesn't it?
I didn't modify the test as it is correct.

Re: Tenses/help from angrepa, posted on 03-04-2013 at 00:41:00 (D | E)
Thank you very much for your explanations. I understand now.

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