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Which sentence/help

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Which sentence/help
Message from shaaraf posted on 23-03-2013 at 16:12:25 (D | E | F)

Could you tell me which sentence is right please?
"I wouldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them."
"I couldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them."
"I shouldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them."

Waiting for some replies!
Thank you!

Edited by lucile83 on 23-03-2013 16:14

Re: Which sentence/help from willy, posted on 23-03-2013 at 17:18:38 (D | E)

Sentences 1 and 3 are correct in British English; "would" is more frequent in modern English.(cfr "Practical English Usage";Nr 258, 2.)

"Should" is rare in American English.

Re: Which sentence/help from djohrahocine, posted on 23-03-2013 at 17:41:25 (D | E)
I think the first sentence is correct"with would"(according to the meaning of the sentece).
Should is used to advise somebody,and could is used to express possibility.
Kind regards!

Edited by djohrahocine on 23-03-2013 18:04

Re: Which sentence/help from notrepere, posted on 23-03-2013 at 18:04:58 (D | E)

I agree that only the first sentence makes sense in American English.

Re: Which sentence/help from shaaraf, posted on 23-03-2013 at 18:37:16 (D | E)

Re: Which sentence/help from apheck225, posted on 24-03-2013 at 01:01:22 (D | E)
sentence n 1 and 3 are corrrect according to the meaning of the sentence

Edited by lucile83 on 24-03-2013 07:49

Re: Which sentence/help from lucile83, posted on 24-03-2013 at 07:56:12 (D | E)

"I wouldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them."...OK

"I couldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them." ...it has no sense

"I shouldn't have thrown away the documents if I’d known you needed them."...it has no sense
it would be better to say:
I shouldn't have thrown away the documents as/because I didn't know you needed them.

Re: Which sentence/help from willy, posted on 24-03-2013 at 08:28:08 (D | E)

In the 1940s/1950s, people used to say: "I/we should give, You/he/she/they would give".
I learned conditional forms that way at the time. As to the simple future, I learned "I/we shall give, You/he/she/they will give".

Things have changed in modern English, which does not mean that "should" is wrong.


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