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Scrambled sentences/help

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Scrambled sentences/help
Message from abido12 posted on 19-03-2013 at 18:45:15 (D | E | F)
Hello everybody,
please could you help me with an exercise containing scrambled sentences?
Thank you in advance.
The exercise is as follows:

Arrange the following sentences into a paragraph

a/ So, the doctor showed her a few lenses.
b/ Diana went to the optician's.
c/ He examined her eyes,
d/ He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames
e/ "I agree, these lenses will look better on you",
f/ After her visit to the ophthalmologist,
g/ she showed him the prescription.
h/ and suggested she should wear glasses.
i/ but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.
j/ Diana chose a pair of them.
k/ the optician said.

Now, this is my answer on this exercise:

After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.she showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

Edited by lucile83 on 19-03-2013 21:16

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from gerondif, posted on 19-03-2013 at 18:51:37 (D | E)

After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.she showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames (is at the wrong place: lenses don't have frames)Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from abido12, posted on 19-03-2013 at 20:20:16 (D | E)
Thank you so much for your reply, is the answer like this :

After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.she showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses. Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from sherry48, posted on 19-03-2013 at 21:11:48 (D | E)
Not yet.
After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.she showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses. Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

It is not logical for the optician to show her glasses after she tells him she doesn't like the idea of glasses.

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from abido12, posted on 19-03-2013 at 21:57:35 (D | E)
Thank you again dear teachers and members for your replies.I think the paragraph will be as follows:

After her visit to the ophthalmologist,He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames.but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses. Diana went to the optician's.she showed him the prescription.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses. Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

best regards

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from lucile83, posted on 19-03-2013 at 22:13:41 (D | E)

Mind the upper cases after a full stop and don't add upper cases when they are not necessary.

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from gerondif, posted on 19-03-2013 at 22:27:24 (D | E)
I don't believe it! The more we help you, the worse it gets! Do you understand the sentences ?
An ophtalmologist doesn't sell glasses,so he can't show any.

Your first try was good except for the sentence in blue.Just put it earlier in the text, and don't move anything else!
green: correct position !

After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.She showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.(***), but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames (is at the wrong place: lenses don't have frames)Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from abido12, posted on 20-03-2013 at 00:16:10 (D | E)
is it like this:

After her visit to the ophthalmologist, Diana went to the optician's.She showed him the prescription.He examined her eyes,and suggested she should wear glasses.He showed her different kinds of glasses and frames, but Diana didn't like the idea of wearing glasses.So, the doctor showed her a few lenses. Diana chose a pair of them."I agree, these lenses will look better on you",the optician said.

Thanks a lot

Re: Scrambled sentences/help from sherry48, posted on 20-03-2013 at 02:52:55 (D | E)
Yes !

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