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How to use/ else

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How to use/ else
Message from snoopydear posted on 06-03-2013 at 12:06:46 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?
Thank you for your answers.

how to use this adverb - else?
We can ask something more with 'What else...?' and someone more with 'Who else...?"
But can we ask 'How else...?
For instance, 'How does Pam's brother help at home?'
He sweeps the floor and walks the dog.
Then, if we want to ask more about Pam's brother, should we ask
'How else does he help at home?' or 'What else does he help at home?"

Edited by lucile83 on 06-03-2013 21:40

Re: How to use/ else from gerondif, posted on 06-03-2013 at 14:51:24 (D | E)
in my opinion how else can be found, although it doesn't sound that common:

He must have opened and read your letter ! How else could he know about that secret ?

or on a forum found by doubleclicking on else: "How else can I describe myself?"
and also: "How else but through a broken heart may God enter in?"

In your examples:
What else does he do to help with the housework ?
How else does he contribute to the housekeeping ?

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Forum > English only

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