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Lettre motivation/aide

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Lettre motivation/aide
Message de minipoussin posté le 20-02-2013 à 21:58:38 (S | E | F)

je dois réaliser un exercice en écrivant une lettre de motivation en anglais en respectant les critères ( que j'ai respectés).
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon anglais svp s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear Mr Edward Smithson

During my studies as assistant of management, I had the occasion to integrate the company Napket to make an internship of 6 weeks in the accounting department. I kept good memories of this experience because it allowed me to complete my knowledge.

My companion has been transferred to London, so I would like to settle with him. To spread me, I will wish work this is why I can write you to see if there were opportunities for early next years. I checked your website and the ad reference JD096 can match my expectations.

Currently, I am working for L’éveil des Papilles which export grocery. I became highly competent in supplier and customer management. This position allowed me to improve my English but also the use of softwares such as Word, Excel, Power Point and Access.

Ambitious, I want a flexible job with real prospects of evolution, what is not any more the case today.

Dynamic, Responsible, organized and smiling, I would know how to be successful. Please find my CV attached.

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details

Yours sincerely,

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2013 22:32


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