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Letter/University in USA

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Letter/University in USA
Message from mouhssin610 posted on 18-02-2013 at 11:34:27 (D | E | F)

I want to write a letter to the University in the USA.
Could you help me please to correct the following letter that I wrote.
Thank you for your answers.

Hello Sir or Madam,

I am XXXX from XXXXX, I am asking about admission at your University, I need a help about my situation, because I'll get my green card in May 2013. then I'll be in the United sate this summer. I am searching to continue my studies there as well. You'll find my resume attached in this e-mail for more information . My major is Electrical Engineering, after getting my High School Diploma in Physics sciences with honor, I've studied for two years at the University XXXXXXX In Higher School of Technology, major : Electrical Engineering.
After that diploma I've studied for one year in National Higher school of Arts and Trades at the same University, my major was XXXXXXX, plus 3 month of training Period at XXXXX Company.

Actually, I am working as XXXXXXXXX at XXXXXX company.

My questions are :

1 - When I get there, what should I get ? Transfer student? Freshman?
2 - Can I have an equivalence to my diploma? if I provide information about credit hours that I've studies.
3 - How about financial aid or scholarship? Can I have them when I'll be a resident?
4 - What benefit can the Green Card give to me?

For more information about the program for the both schools, I'll provide them if necessary.

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Edited by lucile83 on 18-02-2013 12:37

Re: Letter/University in USA from sherry48, posted on 23-02-2013 at 00:14:11 (D | E)
A few minor corrections for you to begin with.
Hello Sir or Madam,

I am XXXX from XXXXX, I am asking about admission at your University, I need a help about my situation, because I'll get my green card in May 2013. then I'll be in the United sate this summer. I am searching to continue my studies there as well. You'll find my resume attached in this e-mail for more information . My major is Electrical Engineering, after getting my High School Diploma in Physics (sciences) with honor, I've studied for two years at the University XXXXXXX In Higher School of Technology, major : Electrical Engineering.
After that diploma I've studied for one year in National Higher school of Arts and Trades at the same University, my major was XXXXXXX, plus _ 3 month of training Period at XXXXX Company.

Actually, I am working as XXXXXXXXX at XXXXXX company.

My questions are :

1 - When I get there, what should I get ? Transfer student? Freshman? (Revise this question about your status).
2 - Can I have an equivalence to my diploma? if I provide information about credit hours that I've studies.
3 - How about financial aid or scholarship? Can I have them when I'll be a resident? Will I be eligible for....
4 - Of What benefit is the Green Card give to me (There are web sites for you to look this up, and I don't think would include it here. Or are these questions you want the answers to here, on this forum?)

Edited by sherry48 on 23-02-2013 00:14

Re: Letter/University in USA from stammer, posted on 04-03-2013 at 20:48:47 (D | E)
I agree with Sherry's corrections and would remind you to watch out for "Actuellement"/"Actually".
See here:

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