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Lettre/famille d'accueil

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Lettre/famille d'accueil
Message de jeandu08 posté le 16-02-2013 à 20:35:04 (S | E | F)
j'ai écrit cette lettre pour ma future famille d'accueil en Angleterre
Pourriez-vous corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear host family,

I'm writing to you this letter in order to introduce myself. My name is Jean Samyn, i'll be seventeen on the 24th june 2013, I have one big brother and two big sisters. I live in the northeast of France in a small village near Reims at two hours from Paris. I am easy-going, hard-working, simple and helpful, as a result i will do familly favours easily to help and become integrated. I may adapt myself to new situations because i'm enough ressourceful. I love sport and music, that's why i play football and the piano. I also wish to add that I am fond of languages, I learn english, german and spanish. I've already spent one week near Plymouth with my school and I sometimes watch movies in English.
I'm studying in a economic class in Reims (Sacré – Coeur school) where i'm border. After taking the french hight school certificate I project to enter in a international High Trade School.
So i'm looking for an host family because I'm eager to discover england's culture and improve my english skills of wich I'll genuinely need in the future to achieve my goal, that is to say do a job i love and live happily.

Yours sincerely
Samyn Jean

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-02-2013 23:51


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