Correctness /sentence
Forum > English only || BottomCorrectness /sentence
Message from onlyenglish posted on 15-02-2013 at 21:20:21 (D | E | F)

what's your thoughts on What do you think of the correctness of this sentence:
There is no such thing as ghost.
If we want to learn more colloquial phrases how should we study, what materials?
tnx Thank you for your help.
Edited by lucile83 on 15-02-2013 22:12
Message from onlyenglish posted on 15-02-2013 at 21:20:21 (D | E | F)

There is no such thing as ghost.
If we want to learn more colloquial phrases how should we study, what materials?
Edited by lucile83 on 15-02-2013 22:12
Re: Correctness /sentence from gerondif, posted on 15-02-2013 at 22:10:04 (D | E)
"There is no such thing as a ghost." is correct.
There are no such things as * ghosts (plural)
Forum > English only