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Used to /used to + gerund

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Used to /used to + gerund
Message from assala posted on 06-02-2013 at 13:09:29 (D | E | F)
Hello Dear teachers and members!!

Would you explain me please where the correct sentence is?
I used to visit my friend each summer vacation.
I used to visiting my friend each summer vacation.
And here I mean in the past and for a long time I visited my friend and now he is dead.
Thank you so much for your help!
Kind regards.

Edited by lucile83 on 06-02-2013 16:57

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from bluestar, posted on 06-02-2013 at 13:40:25 (D | E)

You can say "I used to visit.." or "I was used to visiting.."
But "I used to visiting.." would be wrong

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from assala, posted on 06-02-2013 at 16:24:04 (D | E)
Hello bluestar!
Thank you for your answer, but why and when should I put used to+verb(infinitive)or used to +gerund?

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from willy, posted on 06-02-2013 at 16:38:07 (D | E)

Here are the explanations you need :

Edited by lucile83 on 06-02-2013 16:56

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from djohrahocine, posted on 06-02-2013 at 19:45:30 (D | E)
Hello assala!
I think you mean when to use "used to" ,"to be used to" or "get used to"?isn't it?
Well, we use 'used to 'to talk about something we did in the past but,now we do not do it.
For instance: I used to work on this interesting website(I did it in the past, and now I don't).
I'm used to working on this interesting website(here we have "to be(I am)+used to+gerund).In this case ,I mean that I work regulary on this site,it is not new for me and I still do it.
Finally, when I say :I get used to working on this interesting website(working on this site is unusual).
Why do I mean by that?I mean I become(get) familiar with this new situation, but in the past I did not use to .
Best regards!

Edited by djohrahocine on 06-02-2013 22:27

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from assala, posted on 06-02-2013 at 19:57:03 (D | E)

Thank you so much for your help willy!

Re: Used to /used to + gerund from assala, posted on 06-02-2013 at 19:59:10 (D | E)
Thank you for your explanation djohrahocine!!

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