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Title / exercise
Message from jandark posted on 04-02-2013 at 13:34:56 (D | E | F)
Hello ,

I am a little bit confused. English test #91305 has the title "Present and present perfect" ,so there it is necessary to put the sentences into the present (indefinite?) or the present perfect,but some of these sentences need to be put into the present continuous.
Am I right ?
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 04-02-2013 18:41

Re: Title / exercise from komiks, posted on 04-02-2013 at 18:14:41 (D | E)
To ask if there's a mistake on a page of the site, there's a button called "Report a bug". It is placed under the list of the logged members.

Re: Title / exercise from lucile83, posted on 04-02-2013 at 18:52:57 (D | E)

In that test you have to choose between present and present perfect.
I suppose you know you can choose the present simple or the present continuous which form the present tense.

Paul and Ashley * (go) to school every day....here you need the present simple
The teacher * (read) this book to the class right now....here you need the present continuous

Once you get to the correction page of a test you can see a button to report a bug.
Please use it; thank you.

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Forum > English only

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