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Toefl /Format

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Toefl /Format
Message de belively posté le 01-02-2013 à 14:13:09 (S | E | F)

I was reading a book about the toefl and I found something that I am not aware of. According to the book, there is a long session ( reading 5 texts - listening 3 short conversations and 6 lectures) and a short one ( reading 3 texts - listening 2 short conversations and 4 lectures).
How do we know if it is a long session or a short one or is it at random ?
Thanks for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-02-2013 14:16

Réponse: Toefl /Format de ariette, postée le 01-02-2013 à 18:15:34 (S | E)

There are 2 formats, but most people take the IBT TOEFL
Reading section You may have 3 to 5 passages to read and there are 12 to 14 questions per passage. You have 60 to 80 minutes to answer all the questions.
Listening section You listen to 4 to 6 lectures and academic discussions (3 to 5 minutes long) and have to answer 6 questions per lecture. 60 to 80 minutes
2-3 conversations (5 questions per conversation) 60 to 80 minutes
Speaking about 20 minutes long
6 tasks
2 independent (based on your own ideas)
4 integrated (meant to integrate your English Language Skills)
1 integrated task, (20 minutes) You write in response to what you have read and listened to
1 independent task (30minutes) You write an essay

Réponse: Toefl /Format de belively, postée le 02-02-2013 à 09:22:10 (S | E)
Thanks for your response.

Indeed, I am aware of the toefl ibt. The book was talking about the toelf ibt. I read that there are two versions : the long one and the short one as I explained it in my former post.
So, I don't know what to think.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-02-2013 10:08


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