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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de merejy50 posté le 05-01-2013 à 18:35:44 (S | E | F)

je souhaite partir étudier en Irlande l'année prochaine dans le cadre d'un DUETE (Diplôme Universitaire d'études technologiques à l'étranger) et j'ai rédigé une lettre de motivation en anglais pour l'occasion. Mais vu que c'est la première fois que je m'adonne à cet exercice, j'aimerais avoir votre avis et vos remarques afin de l'améliorer.
Merci d'avance.

Dear Sir,

Currently I'm a second year student in Bio-engineering at the technological institute of Caen and  I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program in Dundalk institute of technology, as part of DUETE. To have the chance to study abroad for one year is a real opportunity for me. This year in Ireland could bring great culturally and intellectually . Also I m' sure I will be able to adapt in this new environment because I think I have the needed abilities such as open-minded and maturity.

Ireland is a country which attract me due to its culture, its beautiful green landscape, the mentality of people and also financially because this is a English-speaking country which has adopted the euro. I studied English throughout my school but I realized that the best way to improve and blossom in this language, was to visit an English country in order to communicate and exchange with local people to be confronted at their way of life as well as their traditions. Dundalk institute of Technology,for its part, gives me a chance to continue my biological study in a pleasing environment.

This year in Dundalk represents for me a real motivation. I know that several student who have been on the Erasmus program are come back delighted. This project maturing in my mind for the past year, I’m feel this is the good time to do so and I hope to achieve it.


Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2013 18:51

Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de bluestar, postée le 10-01-2013 à 18:30:42 (S | E)

Currently I'm a second year student in Bio-engineering (généralement un mot 'bioengineering'), at the Ttechnological iInstitute of Caen and I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program in at the Dundalk Iinstitute of Ttechnology, as part of DUETE. To have the chance to study abroad for one year is a real opportunity for me. This year in Ireland could bring great (le nom est manquant ici)culturally and intellectually . Also I'm' sure I will be able to adapt in this new environment because I think I have the needed abilities such as open-minded (il faut le nom pas l'adjectif ici) and maturity.

Ireland is a country which attract(accorde) me due to its culture, its beautiful green landscape, the mentality of its people and also financially because this is a English-speaking country which has adopted the euro. I studied English throughout my school years but I realized that the best way to improve and blossom in this language, was to visit an English-speaking country in order to communicate and exchange with local people to be confronted at (une préposition différente) their way of life as well as their traditions. Dundalk Iinstitute of Technology,for its part, gives me a chance to continue my biological study (pluriel) in a pleasing environment.

This year in Dundalk represents for me a real motivation. I know that several student(pluriel) who have been on the Erasmus program are come back delighted. This project maturing (temps doit etre le present perfect) in my mind for the past year, and I’m feel this is the (article indéfini) good time to do so it and I hope to achieve it.


Vous avez besoin de capitaliser les noms propres en anglais..Bonne chance!
Modifié par bluestar le 10-01-2013 18:31


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