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Lettre Motivation/correction

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Lettre Motivation/correction
Message de maattdu49 posté le 23-12-2012 à 17:28:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je dois faire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour pouvoir intégrer une association dans le cadre d'un objet Européen, et j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez à la corriger/améliorer s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance.

Object : Research of an reception center.

Dear Sir, Madam

My name is *********, I’m 19 years old and I live in France in a city named Angers. Last year, I received my French High School Diploma and after that I decided to make a break from my studies for one year to involve myself in an association to help people or defend causes . I think it is a good way for me to improve my English or to learn another language and to discover a different culture, history than mine. I believe it could be a great experience which I will be able to use later in my life. I think it’s necessary to discover the world in every way not to close one’s mind to the others and to the future.

I am always hopeful and helpful in my life, I like to meet, talk and share with people about society issues and to confront everybody’s points of view in order to be open-minded. It’s the reason why I have taken part in several projects for environment, arts and culture when I was a teenager with my school. Two years ago, as part of my studies, I have assisted to an Europe’s convention which had for topic “ Young people and Europe “. This has enabled me a better understanding of what was Europe and the relation between young people and Europe.

If I choose Turkey for an association it’s because I read many books and documents about it. It’s a country with a rich and interesting history, beautiful landscapes. Furthermore, Turkey will be a important economic partner for Europe in the future.
Istanbul attract me particulary because it used to be an important crossroad of the meditteraen’s world, it was the ottoman’s capital and now it’s an active and youth city. To come at Turkey would grant me the opportunity to discover the turkish culture, language, an other lifestyle and others people.

Willing and wishing to integrate your association, I remain available for more information.

Yours sincerely,

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-12-2012 17:30

Réponse: Lettre Motivation/correction de notrepere, postée le 23-12-2012 à 19:03:06 (S | E)

Here are a few corrections...

My name is *********, I’m 19 years old and I live in France in a city named Angers. Last year, I received my (French - superflu) High School Diploma and after that I decided to (make- take is better) a break from my studies for one year to involve myself in an association to help people or defend causes. I think it is a good way for me to improve my English or to learn another language and to discover a different culture, history than mine. I believe it could be a great experience which I will be able to use later in my life. I think it’s necessary to discover the world in every way and not to close one’s mind to the others and to the future.

I am always hopeful and helpful in my life. I like to meet, talk and share with people about societal issues and to confront (pas le meilleur mot) everybody’s points of view in order to be open-minded. It’s the reason why I have taken part in several projects for the environment, arts and culture when I was a teenager with my school. Two years ago, as part of my studies, I have assisted to an Europe’s convention with a European convention which had for its topic “ Young people and Europe “. This has enabled given me a better understanding of what was Europe (ordre) and the relation between young people and Europe.

If I choose Turkey for an association it’s because I read many books and documents about it. It’s a country with a rich and interesting history, beautiful landscapes. Furthermore, Turkey will be an important economic partner for Europe in the future.
Istanbul attracts me particulary in particular because it used to be an important crossroad of the Mediterranean world, it was the Ottoman capital and now it’s an active and youth city. To come at Coming to Turkey would grant me the opportunity to discover the Turkish culture, language, another lifestyle and other people.

Willing and wishing to integrate your association, I remain available for more information.

Réponse: Lettre Motivation/correction de maattdu49, postée le 23-12-2012 à 20:11:42 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ;)


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