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Correction/ lettre motivation

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Correction/ lettre motivation
Message de jeanbabou posté le 14-12-2012 à 13:32:35 (S | E | F)

J’ai rédigé une lettre de motivation et j'aimerais savoir si elle contient des erreurs,
Merci par avance.


Following your advertisement for a responsible of trucks workshop and in view of the job description I ask you to consider my application with a lot of attention.

In fact, on reading your advertisement at the employment center, it turns out that it is fully consistent with the type of job I am looking for now.

Having now completed an 18-month period of temporary employment in the production and maintenance of military vehicles in Limoges, I am looking for a permanent position abroad.

I have more than 20 years’ experience in the field of maintenance and management as well as organizing garage teams, this allow me today without any hesitation to assure you of my skills in management, organization and management difficulties associated with this type of position.

As described very briefly in my CV, my many experiences in African and the Amazonian region have provided me with expertise and the necessary confidence to perform everything this type of job requires (sensitivity to the problems of isolated sites, multiculturalism, geopolitical constraints, supply difficulties, etc. ...).

To be honest, it is difficult in such a short letter to communicate the extensive knowledge and specific professional experience, I have which, I believe suit this post that is why, I would ask you to look favorably on this application and grant me the opportunity at interview to discuss my details more fully with you.

Waiting for news from you, and hope to have attracted your attention, please accept Madam, my deepest respects.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2012 21:39


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