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Aide/lettre motivation

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Aide/lettre motivation
Message de lucielb posté le 06-12-2012 à 16:53:02 (S | E | F)

Je postule pour partir en assistanat et j'aimerais si possible avoir quelques éclaircissements et corrections sur ma lettre de motivation.. Merci à ceux qui prendront le temps de faire les correction nécessaires

Dear sir or Madam,

I am actually in my 3rd year of English degree in the university of Rennes 2, and I would like to work as an assistant of French Language in the United Kingdom during the academic year 2013/2014.

My professional goal is to become an English teacher in France, and in my opinion, to be an assistant would be the better way to improve my English as to build myself an experience of the education system.
Indeed, I am clearly aware that in order to become a teacher, one does not only need academic knowledges, but also need to live and meet people within an English-speaking area, to be absorbed in the culture and to complete the knowledges acquired in the university.
But what is interesting in this experience is its double benefit : it is also a preamble to the job of English teacher. I am for some years now working as as a child minder very regularly, and giving English private lessons as well, but I really consider the mission of assisant as a pivotal year between my student years and the carrying out of my profesionnal project. It could give me a first experience and an approach of what is the building of a lesson, the approach to the pupils before strating my Master des Metiers de l'Enseignement et de la Formation.
Moreover, the assistant has also a mission of spreading his own culture to pupils, through the class of course, but also outside the classroom, for instance through a language club, thematic days, etc. I think the role of an assistant is to make lively his native language to the pupils, and to give it a very fun and playful aspect, in addition to the work of their teacher. Being a student who is permanently on contact with young people thanks to my job, I think that I have the creativity, the dynamism and the teaching skills necessary to aspire to this post.

As I said earlier, I really feel like visiting and involving myself in the English life, that's why I would like to live in a great urban city, where the English culture and its mixity are so present. Moreover, I'd like to involve myself in associations in order to meet people, and I think that in a great city I could find some in very diverse fields.
That's why my first wish will be the region Brighton, in East Sussex. Moreover I have some acquaintances around Brighton, with the possibility to get a lodging easily. As a second choice I put the region of Greater Manchester, one of the hearts of English typical culture for me, and as a 3rd choice Greater London.
However, I know that being in England would already be a great luck, and whatever place would suit me very well as far as I can practice my English and spread my French culture in class.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2012 21:07

Réponse: Aide/lettre motivation de bluestar, postée le 06-12-2012 à 17:27:39 (S | E)

Il y a quelques corrections et améliorations suggérées ci-dessous. Bonne chance avec votre projet!

I am actually (un faux ami: currently) in my 3rd year of an English degree course in the university of Rennes 2, and I would like to work as an assistant teacher of French Language in the United Kingdom during the academic year 2013/2014.

My professional goal is to become an English teacher in France, and in my opinion, to be an assistant would be the better way to improve my English as to build myself >('acquire' serait mieux) an experience of the education system.
Indeed, I am clearly aware that in order to become a teacher, one does not only need academic knowledges, but also need to live and meet people within an English-speaking area, to be absorbed in the culture and to complete the knowledges acquired in the university.
But what is interesting in this experience is its double benefit : it is also a preamble to the job of English teacher. I am (temps?)for some years now working as as a child minder ('childminder', un mot) very regularly, and giving English private lessons as well, but I really consider the mission of assistant as a pivotal year between my student years and the carrying out of my profesionnal>(orth.) project. It could give me a first experience and an approach of what is the >groundwork for the building of a lesson, the approach to the pupils before strarting my Master des Metiers de l'Enseignement et de la Formation.
Moreover, the assistant has also a mission of spreading his own culture to pupils, through the class of course, but also outside the classroom, for instance through a language club, thematic days, etc. I think the role of an assistant is to make lively his native language interesting lively to the pupils, and to give it a very fun and playful aspect, in addition to the work of their teacher usual lessons. Being a student who is permanently on contact with young people thanks to my job, I think that I have the creativity, the dynamism and the teaching skills necessary to aspire to this post.

As I said earlier, I really feel like visiting England and involving myself in the English life, and that's why I would like to live in a great urban superflu city, where the English culture and its mixity? ('diversity' serait mieux ici) are so present. Moreover, I'd like to involve myself in associations in order to meet people, and I think that in a great city I could find some in very diverse fields.
That's why my first wish will be the region is to visit Brighton, in East Sussex. Moreover I have some acquaintances around Brighton, with the possibility to get of getting a lodging easily. As a second choice I put the region of Greater Manchester, one of the hearts of English typical culture for me, and as a 3rd choice Greater London.
However, I know that being in England would already be a great luck benefit, and whatever any place would suit me very well as far long as I can practice my English and spread my French culture in class.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Modifié par bluestar le 06-12-2012 19:28


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