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Scrambled words '185'

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Scrambled words '185'
Message de marit64 posté le 29-11-2012 à 01:41:33 (S | E | F)
Welcome everybody!

This exercise is the last of that series. Next week I'll give you something else in order to improve your vocabulary. I hope you enjoy it.

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... (eeelsv)
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (mtanes)
3- Coarse gravel. ..... (gslihen)
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (rfmcoon)
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (kprspie)
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... (mpnne-ea)
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (wrksee)
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... (fseiticnd)
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... (whlas)
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (qkasuw)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de dolfine56, postée le 29-11-2012 à 10:16:04 (S | E)
Hello,dear Marit,
Thanks for the last of that series...
welcome to the new one...

- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... (eeelsv)sleeve
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (mtanes)stamen
3- Coarse gravel. ..... (gslihen)shingle
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (rfmcoon)to conform
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (kprspie)skipper
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... (mpnne-ea)pen-name
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (wrksee)skewer
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... (fseiticnd)to disinfect
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... (whlas)shawl
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (qkasuw)squawk
Thanks a lot.
Enjoy that week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de headway, postée le 29-11-2012 à 10:23:45 (S | E)

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... Sleeve.
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... Stamen.
3- Coarse gravel. ..... Shingle.
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... Conform.
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... Skipper.
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... Pen name.
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... Skewer.
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... Disinfect.
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... Shawl.
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. .....Squawk.

Thank you Marit


Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de flowermusic, postée le 29-11-2012 à 14:38:35 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Waiting the surprise .....

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... (eeelsv) sleeve
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (mtanes) stamen
3- Coarse gravel. ..... (gslihen) shingle
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (rfmcoon) conform
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (kprspie) skipper
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... (mpnne-ea) pen-name
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (wrksee) skewer
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... (fseiticnd) disinfect
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... (whlas) shawl
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (qkasuw)

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de rosebud44, postée le 29-11-2012 à 20:22:48 (S | E)
Hello Marit

- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... (eeelsv) a sleeve
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (mtanes)a stamen
3- Coarse gravel. ..... (gslihen) shingle
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (rfmcoon) to conform
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (kprspie) skipper
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... (mpnne-ea) pen-name
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (wrksee) skewer
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... (fseiticnd) to disinfect
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... (whlas) a shawl
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (qkasuw) a squawk

Have a nice day!

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de nina80, postée le 03-12-2012 à 17:16:04 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,

1- Sleeve
2- stamen
3- Shingle
4- to conform
5- Skipper
6- Pen-name
7- skewer
8- to desinfect
9- shawl

see you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de amelloire, postée le 03-12-2012 à 17:32:14 (S | E)

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de violet91, postée le 03-12-2012 à 19:11:26 (S | E)
Oh ! Hello dear marit 'from over the ocean': it's been a long time since my latest visit, hasn't it ?

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... A sleeve > sleeves ' ' green ones' are the best. (Henry VIIIth)
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... stamen, staminis ( I bet!) Mind the stain !
3- Coarse gravel. ..... shingle almost like 'Jingle bells ! Jingle bells!' Shingle all the way !
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... conform . Baa !baa! Panurge's sheep ! Such a shame .
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... Skipper , not Flipper .
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... a pen-name like Gary or Ajar or ...!
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... Skewer : keep away in Orleans !
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... disinfect ! Oh!' Rats' ! Oh! La! La !
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... Shawl like the one M.Yourcenar kept with her.
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... Squawk ! Hark !' The birds ' are invading !

Thank you dear and have a lovely week despite freezing days !

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de eos17, postée le 05-12-2012 à 09:41:19 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Here my words !

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. ..... (eeelsv)sleeve
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (mtanes)stamen
3- Coarse gravel. ..... (gslihen)shingle
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do. ..... (rfmcoon)to conform
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (kprspie)skipper
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name. ..... (mpnne-ea)pen-name
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (wrksee)skewer
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in. ..... (fseiticnd)to disinfect
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders. ..... (whlas)shawl
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (qkasuw )squawk
Have a nice week .

Réponse: Scrambled words '185' de swan85, postée le 10-12-2012 à 20:31:12 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- The part of a garment that covers the arm. (eeelsv) Sleeve
2- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen.(mtanes) Stamen
3- Coarse gravel.(gslihen) Shingle
4- To behave, dress etc in the way that most other people do.(rfmcoon) to Conform
5- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team.(kprspie) Skipper
6- A name used by a writer instead of his own name.(mpnne-ea) Pen-name
7- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting.(wrksee) Skewer
8- To destroy disease-causing germs in.(fseiticnd) to Disinfect
9- A piece of fabric used as a covering for the shoulders.(whlas) Shawl
10- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds.(qkasuw) Squawk

Thank you very much Marit and see you soon


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