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Correction / traduction
Message de bwaves13 posté le 08-11-2012 à 15:17:27 (S | E | F)

pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît m'aider à corriger ces deux paragraphe? Je compte l'intégrer à mon Résumé.

1)Internship within the international research team of engineering surface. I worked on the surface treatment by plasma polymerization at atmospheric pressure. The aim was to enhance the value of tensile strength of a system of two aluminum plates treated by plasma and bonded together by epoxy: improving the tensile strength of 17N.
2)Audits performing for the accreditation of the engineering school in various institutions in France and abroad. I had my speaking audiences with varied and important and I developed many contacts in academia and industry.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Modifié par bwaves13 le 08-11-2012 15:17


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