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In V+ing/use

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In V+ing/use
Message from bazinga12 posted on 02-11-2012 at 19:20:57 (D | E | F)

Can someone give me more information as to how to use in V+ing in a sentence please?
E.g. (in this context): it is very useful IN DETERMINING ....
Thanks for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-11-2012 20:11

Re: In V+ing/use from lucile83, posted on 03-11-2012 at 16:31:17 (D | E)

I remember that a member had answered your question before the bug occured tonight and erased his message.
That member (I can't remember who it was) gave a beautiful link to a grammar site; here it is:


Anyway I wouldn't use 'in' after the adjective useful

Re: In V+ing/use from bazinga12, posted on 06-11-2012 at 13:57:38 (D | E)

Thanks for your answer, however if you google the sentence "It is very useful in determining", you will see the pages which are containing the adjective useful.
Does it mean none of them is gramatically correct?
I have checked the link you sent me, but could not find anything useful.
In this context "that may provide helpful guidance for you IN DETERMINING the safe length of....
Can we also say "....guidance for you TO DETERMINE the safe..." instead of in determining?
Thank you

Re: In V+ing/use from may, posted on 20-11-2012 at 03:03:06 (D | E)

Yes, you can and why not?

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