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Both/ Both the/Both of

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Both/ Both the/Both of
Message from littleteacher posted on 30-10-2012 at 23:04:23 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?
I know this may sound like a basic question, but I'm not sure about the use of "both".
I always thought that it could only be used one way, but here are some sentences I found:

1. Both children are playing in the backyard.
2. Both the children are playing in the backyard.
3. Both of the children are playing in the backyard.
4. The children are both playing in the backyard.
5. The two children are playing in the backyard.
6. Both my children are studying.
7. Both of these children are studying.
8. Both these children are studying.

Are all of these sentences correct, or are some of them too stilted (thank you for the corrections lucile ) or just plain wrong?
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 30-10-2012 23:11

Edited by littleteacher on 30-10-2012 23:13

Re: Both/ Both the/Both of from lucile83, posted on 30-10-2012 at 23:23:16 (D | E)

You're welcome for the corrections I was faster on the word than you

The sentences are all ok I think; it depends on what you think the most important subtle importance should be.
Here is a test of mine about 'both'

Re: Both/ Both the/Both of from littleteacher, posted on 30-10-2012 at 23:35:00 (D | E)
Hello again

Thank you very much for showing me your test. It helped me a lot!

I think I'll stick to the most common uses of "both" to be on the safe side. As you said in your lesson, not using "the" after "both" usually sounds better. I shall use "both children".

Re: Both/ Both the/Both of from sherry48, posted on 30-10-2012 at 23:36:32 (D | E)
I think people say all of these sentences, but I personally would not say 2, 6, or 8. Both of the children, Both of my children, and Both of these children all sound better to me.

Edited by sherry48 on 30-10-2012 23:37

Re: Both/ Both the/Both of from littleteacher, posted on 31-10-2012 at 09:48:20 (D | E)
Hello again,

Thank you very much for the help!
I'm going to write this down in a special notebook so that I don't forget the rules.

Edited by littleteacher on 31-10-2012 09:50

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