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Correction / rapport
Message de yrichi posté le 24-10-2012 à 15:14:57 (S | E | F)

j'ai fait un rapport de stage en anglais dans le cadre de mon BTS electrotechnique et j'aimerais qu'on m'aide à trouver d°éventuelles fautes.
Merci d'avance.

My training course in Sambre & Meuse

I did my internship with xxx for to complete my first year in BTS electro-technical, in xxx during the summer 2012 and I chose to do my training period in this factory because I wanted to find a great company to have a first real vision of life business.
xxx is metallurgic factory and was created in 1945 where I did my training period , this factory maid train parts , mechanic parts and working item. This factory sell in France , Russia and eastern countries. This factory employs 175 staff , among them 25 are business executives and technician , all other are factory worker.
The unit where I worked specializes in electro technical and electromechanical maintenance.
The factory belongs to a group of Russian investors xxx because xxx was hit hard by the financial crisis .
The company xxx has worldwide connections .Every year the factory recruits a certain number of trainees to help student to acquire a larger professional experience . xxx is old factory with old machine but recently the factory is renovate with new machine for increase the production.

Basically, as a trainee, I learned how to: operates new machinery like a machine controller , improve my various abilities from the BTS electro-technical .
Of course, in the 1st week, I was given a tour of the facility to know my way around and understand the activities and strategies of the company. This I was given an introduction to the works to the company.
I After that , I was posted in electrical maintenance and my internship mainly consisted help technicians often several failure like find and find and fix the problem or improve the program controllers predominantly in the Machine. I also updated different electric scheme .
Unfortunately, I was very often also clean and sweep the factory and the only thing haven't liked .

I personally appreciate the globally training course of the reception of my internship supervisor and employees are friendly with me and they answered my questions .
I noticed that the employees were not motivated because their salary was minimal and they must constantly increase production in conditions very hard because of the dust, noise and accidents, since the factory was redeemed by Russian investors.
I think I think the factory is an interesting company that will can be evolved in the years to come

In conclusion , xxx are metallurgic factory which date from the 2nd World War and has evolued to year 2000 when it was hit by global crisis and it has evolved to year 2000 and it was saved by Russian investor group that bought the factory and we start on the renovation in order to increase production and make the factory competitive.
But conditions are still difficult because of the dust in the air, the constant noise and tiring or poor motivation because of the very low salary. However, the situation is improving gradually.
I note that most of workmen will retire in the coming years and this is a problem because the new employee will not have the necessary know-how to work correctly.
what is more departures in retirement will cause a problem for the free places will be difficult because in France the full salary in the industrial environment, the lack of personnel for the industry is also because of the increasing disappearance of industrial sectors school.
all these facts are that France is the country with the least industrialized of europe and a continuous decline with now 13% of the French population is in the industry of direct or indirect way, while 10 years ago there had 16% of the French population in industry. whereas in countries such as Germany were 30% and 23% of Italy's population in industry.
the image of the industry in France is often devalued and a negative view because in the collective unconscious, the French think the industry is working harder than elsewhere, there is less possibility of d evolution of career and there is not much of employs in the industry.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2012 16:42


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