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Correction /CV

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Correction /CV
Message de ju2607 posté le 22-10-2012 à 18:47:38 (S | E | F)

J'ai un cv à rendre pour un stage aux Etat Unis!
J'aimerais une correction avant de le rendre, histoire d'être sûre!
Merci pour vos réponses.


2011-2012 3- year university degree in human resources. ACE Expert, University of xxxx
2009-2011 2- year university degree in business management and administration, human resources option. xxx

2008-2009 High school diploma Sciences and Technologies of management, accountancy option with mention assez bien. High school xxx


2011-2012 xxx OPH, Paris IXème
(First Parisian social landlord and builder; 759.8 million in sales)
Human resources assistant
Management of restaurant tickets, holidays, Time Management and Activity, creation of temporary contracts guards, unique declaration of hiring, training registrations and seizures, absence management.

Juillet 2011 Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, xxx
October 2010 Seller
December 2009 Promoting the museum offers and sales advice in French and English, management and monitoring of
August 2009 sales transactions (receipt of all payment types, research anomalies).

April- June 2011 Erasmus internship, xxx
10 weeks internship in the Ministry of Employment (xxx).
Sorting resumes, making appointments by phone, observation of professional meetings.

June- July 2010 Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, xxx
Accounting: processing invoices (auditing individuals, validation, transfer accounts), bank reconciliations.


Office tools:
Pack Office: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.
HR Access software, Sage Paie.

Languages spoken :
English: Fluent. TOEIC (17th of January 2011): 740 points.
Spanish: Moderate
Portuguese: Basic

• Gym
• Movies and TV shows in original version
• Travels : Portugal, Spain, Thaïland, England

REFERENCE: as human resources assistant at xxxxx- Mr ******; 01 ** ** ** **

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-10-2012 20:57


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