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Correction Cv/aide

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Correction Cv/aide
Message de gabz29 posté le 26-09-2012 à 12:04:51 (S | E | F)

J'aimerais déposer mon Cv mais je ne suis pas sûr qu'il soit bon, surtout pour "work experience". Je veux dire que j'ai fait de la mise en rayon de fruits et légumes, et service au rayon charcuterie/traiteur.
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ce serait génial!
Merci pour vos réponses.

Phone number
Date and place of birth :

Personal profile
I'm a young french man living in Cardiff. I have made up my mind to come in Wales to improve my British language and to meet new people. I have experience as a factory worker and as an assistant in supermarket. I am independent, hard working and enthusiastic. I'm fully available in the week and during the week-end. I'm a fast leaner and highly motivated. I'm ready to start working for you as soon as you need me to. Feel free to contact me whenever you want.

2010-2012: Vocational training certificate in Industrial Product Design
Two years after the French baccalaureat (equivalent to A ‘levels)
2008-2010: BTEC National Diploma in Microtechnics
2006-2008: BTEC First Diploma in Electronics

Work Experience
- xxx, Supermarket
From July to August 2010-2011-2012 :
 Full time job as an as an shelf stacker in a supermarket. During the summer 2010 and 2011 I am in charge of fruits and vegetables. And the summer 2012 I worked in catering service.

- xxx, Supermarket
From December to January 2010-2011 :
 Full time job as an assistant in catering service in the supermarket.

- xxx, Food factory
From July 2009 to August 2009 :
 Full time job as a factory food worker. I treated the artichokes on different posts.

- xxx, Oyster
From July to August 2008-2009 :
 I was employed as an oyster worker.

Special skills
Language skills :
French, mother tongue
English, moderate
Spanish, basic knowledge
Other skills :
Computer and internet intermediate certificate
Driving Licence

Football in a local club

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-09-2012 17:47

Réponse: Correction Cv/aide de gerondif, postée le 26-09-2012 à 13:09:27 (S | E)

Phone number
Date and place of birth :

Personal profile
I'm a young Frenchman living in Cardiff. I have made up my mind to come in(to) Wales to improve my British English language (on ne parle pas le britannique mais l'anglais) and to meet new people (I came to Wales serait plus direct). I have experience as a factory worker and as a sales assistant in a supermarket. I am independent, hard working and enthusiastic. I'm fully available in the week and during the week-end. I'm a fast learner and highly motivated. I'm ready to start working for you as soon as you need me to. Feel free to contact me ("at any time" me paraît plus conventionnel que ..)whenever you want.

2010-2012: Vocational training certificate in Industrial Product Design
Two years after the French baccalaureat (equivalent to A ‘levels)
2008-2010: BTEC National Diploma in Microtechnics
2006-2008: BTEC First Diploma in Electronics

Work Experience
- xxx, Supermarket
in July and August 2010-2011-2012 :
 Full time job as a shelf stacker in a supermarket. During the summer in 2010 and 2011, I was in charge of fruit(s) and vegetables. And in the summer in 2012, I worked in the catering service.
- xxx, Supermarket
From December 2010 to January 2011 :
 Full time job as an assistant in the catering service at the supermarket.
- xxx, Food factory
in July and August 2009 :
 Full time job as a factory food worker. I treated(took care of) the artichokes on different posts.
- xxx, Oyster
From July to August 2008-2009 :
 I was employed as an oyster worker.

Special skills
Language skills :
French, mother tongue
English, moderate
Spanish, basic knowledge
Other skills :
Computer and internet intermediate certificate
Driving Licence

Football in a local club

Réponse: Correction Cv/aide de bluestar, postée le 26-09-2012 à 17:52:57 (S | E)

"Address" (2 ds)
"to improve my English" (sans 'language')
"I'm available seven days a week"

Réponse: Correction Cv/aide de gabz29, postée le 27-09-2012 à 10:50:50 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons

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