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Message from fatewx posted on 15-07-2012 at 01:53:37 (D | E | F)

Can you help me please because
I have learned from a pronunciation book that in American English,[ʌ] as in blush and [ə] sound the same ,while in British English they are different.
But why sometimes some words sound more like [ʌ]?
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 15-07-2012 08:23

Re: Pronunciation/help from gerondif, posted on 15-07-2012 at 08:05:07 (D | E)

Words with this pronunciation [ʌ] as in blush can be pronouced in a more colloquial way with a sound [ə]  but they don't "sound the same" , and it is the same in British and in American English : It all depends if you speak pure English or oral everyday English.
for example:
Hundred will be pronounced: ['hʌndrəd] in pure English.
Hundred will be pronounced: ['həndrəd] in everyday English.
Hundred will be pronounced: ['hundrəd] in "working-class" English in Liverpool, Manchester (a memory from my stay there) 

Re: Pronunciation/help from fatewx, posted on 15-07-2012 at 08:26:22 (D | E)
Thank you.

Re: Pronunciation/help from sherry48, posted on 15-07-2012 at 14:41:35 (D | E)
The schwa sound is somewhere between the short u sound in blush and the short i sound in it. For example, in the words seven and lemon, the e and o, (both schwa sounds), sound more like a short i. Have a nice day. Sherry

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Forum > English only

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