Could /may not
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Message from a_limon posted on 12-07-2012 at 16:36:55 (D | E | F)
Could you tell me please what one must use in the sentence in green:"could" or "may"?
I'm tired with my work. I have had a hard day. Could (or may?) I not go with you to the shop?Could you go there alone,without me?
Thank you in advance.
Edited by lucile83 on 12-07-2012 17:42
Edited by a_limon on 12-07-2012 18:16
thank you very much for correction!
Re: Could /may not from gerondif, posted on 12-07-2012 at 18:58:48 (D | E)
your sentence is awkward, it would be easier to say:
Would you terribly mind if I didn't go shopping with you ?
But if you absolutely want to use "not go", then:
Could I NOT (stress it) go shopping with you tonight ?
May means: Am I allowed to, and I find it too formal for this type of sentence, but it would be correct.
Re: Could /may not from a_limon, posted on 12-07-2012 at 19:54:34 (D | E)
Thank you.
One moment again.
If one asks "Couldn't I go shopping with you tonight?",it means that someone wants to go shopping with someone and asks the permission to be taken for shopping? It is the same as "Could I go shopping with you tonight?"?
Also,if one asks "Could I not go shopping with you tonight?"(without stresssing NOT), what would it mean?
Forum > English only