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Lettre motivation/ master

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Lettre motivation/ master
Message de truc190 posté le 04-07-2012 à 16:12:16 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît car je dois écrire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour compléter mon dossier d'inscription en master. J'ai des doutes sur certaines tournures de phrases.
Voici ce que j'ai écrit :

Dear Sir or Madam,

Currently french assistant in (name of the school) and graduate of Licence Langues, Lettres et Civilisations Étrangères since last year, I am writing to you to apply for a position at your University.

This year in England has been a fruitful experience and has enabled me to reinforce my desire to teach. As part of my duty, I learnt how to pass on a language thanks to teachers and educational activities made for pupils from eleven to eighteen years old. As I have given and organized lessons for one year I think I would be quite well prepared to teach. On the other hand, having been in total immersion in the country, I am now able to confirm the interest that I have for the english language and culture and my wish to teach english in particular.
My previous experiences testify my will to become a teacher as well. I gave english lessons for two years to a seven year-old girl and I realised that I had a passion for sharing knowledge. Besides, I also did voluntary work in a outdoor play centre. I really enjoyed all these experiences and they have allowed me to become independant and self-confident with children and teaching.

I would like to complete my education and finalize my project by entering your University and attending your lessons. That is why I think that the Master Etudes Anglophones parcours enseignement that you offer matches my profile.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully.

Je me demande si je dois plutôt écrire "having passed my degree of ...last year" à la place de "graduate of" et si je dois écrire plutôt "apply to study at your university" à la place de "apply for a position". Est-ce que "position" est approprié lorsque l'on demande une place dans une université ? Je ne suis pas sûre également de "pass on a language" pour traduire "transmettre une langue" et si "having been in total immersion" est très idiomatique. J'ai fait ma lettre également en français alors j'ai peur d'avoir traduit trop littéralement.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-07-2012 23:47


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