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Preposition / gerund

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Preposition / gerund
Message from a_limon posted on 02-07-2012 at 01:10:53 (D | E | F)

Could you tell me please whether it is necessary to put the preposition "in" before the gerund "going" in the 1)3)4)sentences?
1)It was no use going there so early.
2)It was no hedgehog going across the street. (going is the participle here,so,no preposition here)
3)It was trouble going across that street.
4)There was trouble going across that street.
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2012 09:14

Re: Preposition / gerund from chose65, posted on 02-07-2012 at 09:16:54 (D | E)
Sentences 3 and 4 are the same as 'be going to', so you don't need to use in.
You have INg because of the Be-ing.
Sentence 1 I would say no 'in' because 'there was no use' going there was bv ing is followed by a gerund.
So I wouldn't use 'In' in none any of those sentences!!!
Take care.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2012 09:22
Please use upper cases and punctuation when necessary, thanks.

Re: Preposition / gerund from a_limon, posted on 02-07-2012 at 20:16:22 (D | E)

Sentences 3 and 4 are the same as 'be going to', so you don't need to use in.
They are not the same.
You have INg because of the Be-ing.
Sentence 1 I would say no 'in' because 'there was no use' is followed by a gerund.
So I wouldn't use 'In' in any of those sentences!!!

Don't you know that there are many cases of using gerunds with preposition "in" before them?

Edited by a_limon on 02-07-2012 20:25
Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2012 21:27
Well, not here anyway! don't be so disdainful please.

Re: Preposition / gerund from lucile83, posted on 02-07-2012 at 21:25:08 (D | E)

1)It was no use going there so early. ok

2)It was no hedgehog going across the street. (going is the participle here,so,no preposition here) There

3)It was trouble going across that street. I/she/he etc had

4)There was trouble going across that street. see 3

The only right sentence is number 1.

Re: Preposition / gerund from a_limon, posted on 03-07-2012 at 00:19:58 (D | E)
Lucile I/she/he etc had trouble going across that street.

There was trouble going across that street. see 3

You mean that the expression "It (there) was trouble" doesn't exist at all?
I see the expressions with the preposition "in" "he didn't have any trouble IN finding the book". Why doesn't one write "in" in the sentence "he had trouble in going across that street."

Re: Preposition / gerund from lucile83, posted on 03-07-2012 at 09:08:58 (D | E)
Hello a_limon

Why doesn't one write "in" in the sentence "he had trouble in going across that street.

...because we use to have trouble + v-ing
to have ~ doing
He was having trouble getting the key in the door.
I have trouble remembering passwords.


Would you be kind enough to check in a dictionary before asking such questions? ..thank you.

Re: Preposition / gerund from a_limon, posted on 07-07-2012 at 18:14:15 (D | E)
Lucile,I had checked in the dictionary and seen the phrase "I had some trouble in reading his handwriting". Could you tell me please if it is mistake of using "in"? Link

Could you tell me also please where is my mistake if I think that the sentences on the link you gave me could be written in other way. I wrote my sentences in blue 1)The trouble with you is that you don't listen. Your unlistening me is the trouble with you.
2) The trouble is there are too many people and not enough places. Too many people and not enough places is the trouble.
3)But no one ever remembers -that's the trouble. No one's remembering is the trouble (for me).
4) You never think, that's your trouble. Your unthinking is your trouble. )
5)It was trouble going across that street. I/she/he etc had. There was trouble going across that street. Going across that street was the trouble for everybody. (that street has too intensive traffic without the traffic light)


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