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As/when or because (2)

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Re: As/when or because from a_limon, posted on 21-06-2012 at 13:25:18 (D | E)
Good day!
'as' is not isolated in first position but I would prefer a progressive tense.

Gerondif,what do you mean saying,""as"is not isolated in first position? You mean that "as" doesn't stand in the beginning of the sentence? You mean that when "as" stands in the beginning of the sentence (in the subordinate clause)with the verb in Past Simple tense,the "as" is more often used for pointing the reason,not the time?
Tell me please whether the sentence "He got caught by the police as he was sitting in the car and getting ready to leave."
could be written like "He got caught by the police,sitting in the car ang getting ready to leave."

Re: As/when or because from gerondif, posted on 21-06-2012 at 13:48:53 (D | E)
I mean that:
"As he was walking, he saw a bird" (as + was + ing + comma )is close to while and expresses simultaneity, not cause.
He was punished as he had said something horrible: here, logically , as is closer to since, because.
It is just a question of meaning.

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