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Comprehension/our fees

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Comprehension/our fees
Message from ambrineluna posted on 31-05-2012 at 22:43:33 (D | E | F)
Hello Everyone,

Could you please confirm if tell me whether this sentence is correct:
"Please note that the payment of our fees is due in advance as well as when you sign the order form"
Thank you for your answers..


Edited by lucile83 on 31-05-2012 22:54

Re: Comprehension/our fees from bluestar, posted on 31-05-2012 at 23:07:44 (D | E)

I think the sentence would be correct if you left out "as well as". Then the meaning would be "As soon as you sign the order form, our fees become due"..Is this what is intended?

Re: Comprehension/our fees from ambrineluna, posted on 08-06-2012 at 21:56:20 (D | E)
Thank you for your answer.

I mean that "the payment is due at the same time when you send us the order form signed"
Is Does my sentence make sense?

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2012 22:11

Re: Comprehension/our fees from notrepere, posted on 08-06-2012 at 22:20:48 (D | E)

Payment is due when you submit your order. The order form must be signed before it will be processed.

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