misssunshiine/English pen friend -)
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misssunshiine/English pen friend -)
Message de misssunshiine posté le 30-05-2012 à 14:43:02 (S | E | F)
I'm Belgian and I would like to have a English pen friend. I'm not very good in English but this experience can be
interesting. Thank you for you answer ( If you want, I'm on facebook and I have a blog) 

Modifié par bridg le 30-05-2012 14:54
Message de misssunshiine posté le 30-05-2012 à 14:43:02 (S | E | F)

I'm Belgian and I would like to have a English pen friend. I'm not very good in English but this experience can be

Modifié par bridg le 30-05-2012 14:54
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