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Too much of /help

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Too much of /help
Message from a_limon posted on 29-05-2012 at 20:24:10 (D | E | F)

Could you please tell me what this sentence means?
"Many Canadians feel we are too much of a little brother to our big neighbour the US."
I can't get it because of the phrase "too much of a little brother to our big neighbour the US."
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 29-05-2012 20:56

Re: Too much of /help from gerondif, posted on 29-05-2012 at 21:17:14 (D | E)
it means that many Canadians feel that they are dominated by the USA and resent it a little, as if the big brother (the USA) was dictating his will to his younger brother (Canada)
(Maybe I overestimated the resentment, as notrepère implies, let's say that it means Canada feels weaker than the USA)

Re: Too much of /help from notrepere, posted on 30-05-2012 at 04:29:55 (D | E)

I think gerondif is reading too much into the sentence. It's hard to really say for sure what it means without more context. It seems to mean, however, that Canadians can't compete with the U.S. in some realm.

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Forum > English only

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