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Lettre motivation /Bank

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Lettre motivation /Bank
Message de okinoki posté le 25-05-2012 à 12:22:59 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît m'aider à apporter les corrections nécessaires? Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear Sir, dear Madam,

Graduate a Master Degree level in financial markets in a business school. For 4 years, I develop my skills in private banking. First, as an assistant portfolio manager (1 year) where I became familiar with the universe of private banking and all activities related to portfolio management. Then, I had an opportunity to enter the position of Risk Manager (10 months), this position allowed me to manage a set of projects and meet the requirements of the financial regulation of market activities. Then, I proceeded with the development of tools for controlling the discretionary portfolio management and the creation of an activity monitoring. In 2010, I joined the first private bank in Luxembourg and I had my second bank mergers. I was RM support and analytical monitoring (1 year), I worked with international teams and developed a new experience with financial tools of a big company. In 2011, I began, in France, management activities of large companies (1 year) for a Swiss private bank. I would like to bring my experience in the financial sector in your opportunity.

I am aware that finance requires technical competences, and also strong relational quality. My current technical knowledge of finance with my ability to adapt, and my passion for learning can support your efforts in your activities.

Dynamic, rigorous and team-spirit, I am available to discuss the appropriateness of my motivations in an interview.


Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2012 12:29


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