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Lettre motivation/photographe

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Lettre motivation/photographe
Message de nokin posté le 25-05-2012 à 10:44:51 (S | E | F)

Je suis en train de rédiger une lettre de motivation pour un job d'assistant photographe, et j'ai un peu de mal, please help !Merci pour vos réponses.
Voici ma version

Dear Sir,

Fresher graduate in visual communication specialised in graphic design, and passionate
about photography, it would be a great opportunity for me to have an experience in your studio.

During my education I worked to develop my own graphic personnality, fed of personnal work
and regular communication with photographers , stylists and artists. The various workshops conducted
during my school years allowed me to experience my team creative skills. Where I found a real energy
to develop ideas , and concepts.

Being very curious and organised, my culture is fed by multiple and eclectic universes. The perspective
to assist you, meeting a personnal need to learn from a creative team with a real ambition to invest
the best of their abilities to succeed in a foreign country.

Actively seeking an opportunity in visual communication industry for several months,
I’m ready to give my best in your projects.

Thanking you for considering and giving your precious time,
Sincerely yours,

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2012 12:18

Réponse: Lettre motivation/photographe de bluestar, postée le 25-05-2012 à 12:58:58 (S | E)

Here are some suggestions..

As a fresher graduate in visual communication specialised >(present participle) in graphic design, and being passionate
about photography,I would welcome it would be a great the opportunity for me to have an experience work in your studio.

During my education I worked to develop my own graphic personnality, fed of personnal work
and regular communication with photographers , stylists and artists. The various workshops conducted
during my school years allowed me to experience my team creative skills. Where Here I found a real energy
to develop ideas , and concepts.

Being very curious and organised, my culture is fed by multiple and eclectic universes (rewrite). The perspectiveopportunity
to assist you, meeting would meet a personnal need to learn from a creative team with a real ambition to invest
the best of their its abilities to succeed in a foreign country.

I have been aActively seeking an opportunity in visual communication industry for several months, and
I’m ready to give my best in your projects.

Thanking you for considering my application and giving your precious time,

Réponse: Lettre motivation/photographe de nokin, postée le 25-05-2012 à 14:00:37 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour cette réponse !!!


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