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Translation/difficult sentence

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Translation/difficult sentence
Message from belief posted on 19-05-2012 at 13:05:53 (D | E | F)

here is a difficult sentence,really hard for me to understand.
Could you please explain what the sentence means in an easy way such as expressing the same meaning with some simple sentences?
Thanks a lot.
The difficult sentence:

A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.

Edited by lucile83 on 19-05-2012 14:42

Edited by belief on 19-05-2012 15:28
The sentence has been corrected.

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from lucile83, posted on 19-05-2012 at 14:49:21 (D | E)

Could you check your sentence because the last word at least could be 'flower' not 'flowe' and I am not sure of the word 'away'; il might be 'way'.

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from sherry48, posted on 19-05-2012 at 15:33:26 (D | E)
I also think it should be 'give way' meaning yield, rather than 'give away' or make a gift of. Sherry

Edited by sherry48 on 19-05-2012 15:33

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from bluestar, posted on 19-05-2012 at 15:49:42 (D | E)
It is "waffle" - high-sounding nonsense. Don't waste time on it..

Edited by lucile83 on 19-05-2012 16:12
Who are talking to please?

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from belief, posted on 19-05-2012 at 15:53:46 (D | E)

Thank you for your reminder and I've made a check of it.The 'flowe' should be replaced by 'flower' and it is 'give way' indeed.
But I still can't understand it. Could you help me, please?
It really makes me puzzled.
Thank you in advance..

Edited by belief on 19-05-2012 15:55

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from sherry48, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:06:19 (D | E)
It helps if you understand the verbs. I already explained give way. Here's a link to a dictionary for 'throw over'.


Can you now make a suggestion for what you think the author is trying to say, even if it is in a rather nonsensical pretentious manner? Sherry

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from lucile83, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:11:59 (D | E)

A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.
When we think of reality and try to find it nice, life may seem as nice and beautiful as a flower.

But well...where did you find that complicated sentence?

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from notrepere, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:16:05 (D | E)

Your sentence is non-sensical. It's psychobabble.

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from bluestar, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:22:36 (D | E)

That sentence has been "doing the rounds" of the Internet for some time. The purpose seems to be to generate confusion and obfuscation. That is why I say don't waste time on it..

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from willy, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:27:23 (D | E)

Here's a hint about what it might mean:

Re: Translation/difficult sentence from belief, posted on 19-05-2012 at 16:49:21 (D | E)

Thank all of you for your kind help!

To be honest, I didn't see the original text. It was a friend of mine that asked me what the meaning of the sentence was.
It seems that the sentence was from ETS's test many years ago.
I think that the most difficult part for me to understand is the structure of it. What a strange sentence it is!!!
Anyway, I know what it means with your help.
Thanks a lot!

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