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Scrambled words '158'

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Scrambled words '158'
Message de marit64 posté le 16-05-2012 à 23:35:50 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (rywods)
2- To show anger or resentment by being silent. ..... (lsku)
3- A female mayor. ..... (ysmearso)
4- A long, low, open container used for animal's food or water. ..... (gruhto)
5- A piece of high land, smaller than a mountain. ..... (lhli)
6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (sowelcal)
7- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npta)
8- A platform extending from one side of a ship to the other side and forming the floor. ..... (cdke)
9- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thscit)
10- A small weasel-like kind of animal. ..... (nmki)

Good luck and have fun!

I wish you a great week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '158' de dolfine56, postée le 17-05-2012 à 09:45:29 (S | E)
Hello, dear marit,
Thanks for this new one.

1- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (rywods)drowsy
2- To show anger or resentment by being silent. ..... (lsku)to sulk
3- A female mayor. ..... (ysmearso)mayoress
4- A long, low, open container used for animal's food or water. ..... (gruhto)trough
5- A piece of high land, smaller than a mountain. ..... (lhli)hill
6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (sowelcal)cole-slaw
7- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npta)to pant
8- A platform extending from one side of a ship to the other side and forming the floor. ..... (cdke)deck
9- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thscit)stich
10- A small weasel-like kind of animal. ..... (nmki)mink

Have a nice week too, see you next week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '158' de headway, postée le 17-05-2012 à 09:56:37 (S | E)

1- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... Drowsy.
2- To show anger or resentment by being silent. ..... Sulk.
3- A female mayor. ..... Mayoress.
4- A long, low, open container used for animal's food or water. ..... Trough.
5- A piece of high land, smaller than a mountain. ..... Hill.
6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... Coleslaw.
7- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... Pant.
8- A platform extending from one side of a ship to the other side and forming the floor. ..... Deck.
9- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... Stitch.
10- A small weasel-like kind of animal. ..... Mink.


Réponse: Scrambled words '158' de flowermusic, postée le 17-05-2012 à 21:44:32 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Nice to meet you again

1- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (rywods) drowsy
2- To show anger or resentment by being silent. ..... (lsku) sulk
3- A female mayor. ..... (ysmearso) mayoress
4- A long, low, open container used for animal's food or water. ..... (gruhto) trough
5- A piece of high land, smaller than a mountain. ..... (lhli) hill
6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (sowelcal) coleslaw
7- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npta) pant
8- A platform extending from one side of a ship to the other side and forming the floor. ..... (cdke) deck
9- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... (thscit) stitch
10- A small weasel-like kind of animal. ..... (nmki) mink

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '158' de swan85, postée le 20-05-2012 à 13:26:32 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... Drowsy
2- To show anger or resentment by being silent. ..... Sulk
3- A female mayor. ..... Mayoress
4- A long, low, open container used for animal's food or water. ..... Trough
5- A piece of high land, smaller than a mountain. ..... Hill
6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... Coleslaw
7- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... Pant
8- A platform extending from one side of a ship to the other side and forming the floor. ..... Deck
9- A loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting. ..... Stitch
10- A small weasel-like kind of animal. ..... Mink

Thank you very much Marit
See you soon


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