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An only child/article

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An only child/article
Message from vectrum posted on 14-05-2012 at 20:52:13 (D | E | F)

Please look at the last example, number 10.
I think it should be "the" instead of "an" as I am the only child.
I think it is wrong to say "an only" because when only one child is being referred to, it refers to one and only child, not among many.

Please give your suggestion.

Edited by lucile83 on 14-05-2012 21:51

Re: An only child/article from bluestar, posted on 14-05-2012 at 21:13:25 (D | E)

The word "only" is a bit tricky here. If I say "I am an only child" it means I have no siblings, not that only one child is being referred to.

Re: An only child/article from vectrum, posted on 14-05-2012 at 21:40:57 (D | E)
Thank you.
I've got the point.
It is clear now.
Thanks again.

Re: An only child/article from notrepere, posted on 14-05-2012 at 22:15:03 (D | E)

If you assume that the examples all relate to each other, then No 10 is wrong. You can't be an only child and have two brothers. You could say "I am only a child" which would be correct, but would generally be used as a response, not a statement.

"Go to university and get a degree"
"But I'm only a child!"

Re: An only child/article from violet91, posted on 14-05-2012 at 22:53:12 (D | E)
Hello and well spoken, dear notrepere,

See the title of the exercise ? ' Introduce yourself ' !

The sentences all relate to one another, don't they ? Where have the two brothers gone once arrived at N° 10 ? !!
I am only a child, then...no siblings at all, indeed.

Another remark, if I may : if John's father is French , then the spelling ' Georges ' is right ....if the man is is British or American, by the way, like George Clooney ..it is George , then !

Good night when your sunny day is over !

Re: An only child/article from vectrum, posted on 14-05-2012 at 23:05:02 (D | E)
Thank you for your help.

I thought the usage of "an" was questionable only because the article a/an is generally used to denote one object among many objects but the meaning changes according to the context of the situation.

Re: An only child/article from lucile83, posted on 14-05-2012 at 23:12:35 (D | E)
Hello violet and np

I don't think the sentences relate to one another, because q2 is not an answer to q1, q5 has got no answer at all etc.
There are 2 people speaking I suppose, then one has 2 brothers, the other one is an only child.
One family is English, the other one is French...
It is just an old test (2007),with sentences in disorder, which I don't accept anymore.

Good night

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