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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de osrvdp posté le 05-05-2012 à 18:14:29 (S | E | F)

Je travaille actuellement sur ma lettre de motivation en anglais pour une candidature spontanée.
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer les corrections à faire et vos suggestions s'il vous plaît?
Par avance merci.


Dear Madam, Dear Mister,

Eager to start a new professional challenge, I want to express my interest in joining your company as ***** in France or abroad. I believe my professional background and my personality are appropriate to fill your expectations for this position.

It is with attention that I have researched information about your company…I appreciated…(A adapter en fonction de l'entreprise)

Over my past four years of experience in ******, I have gained an overall knowledge of tools and ****** skills. You will note from the enclosed resume that my last work experience was in *******, where I was in charge of a portfolio in full autonomy. I had the opportunity to manage various commodities in a competitive and International environment, which required a certain ability to work in team.
I have always worked with passion on my previous jobs in order to improve the global ****** ****** terms and the competitiveness of the company.

Today, I would be interested in putting my skills at the disposal of ***** . Convinced to be able to meet your expectations, I remain at your disposal for a further interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to speaking with you soon about a position as *****.


Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2012 20:30

Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de ichigo, postée le 11-05-2012 à 19:41:44 (S | E)
Je ne vois pas de problème particulier, tu peux poster!


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