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Message from grenouille182 posted on 18-04-2012 at 22:46:04 (D | E | F)
I made an exercise in which I had to find appropriate antonyms.
In some cases I didn´t know the right answer.
Please can you check and suggest the missing answers?
1) (light) a dark blue eyes ------ a ...... table
2) (old) a young man ---------a new book
3) (hard) an easy task ------- a ..... bed
4) (fresh) stale bread -------- artificial flowers
5) (wild) domestic birds ----- bought flowers
6) (rough) smooth surface ------ gentle person
7) (lose) a found book --------- to win a battle
8) a lound sound - quiet or low sound ?
9) a high voice - low or gentle voice ?
10) a sweet apple - ..... apple
11) a strong smell - a faint smell
Edited by grenouille182 on 18-04-2012 23:01
Edited by lucile83 on 18-04-2012 23:04
Re: Antonyms/help from stammer, posted on 19-04-2012 at 22:55:37 (D | E)
I've looked at the two that you weren't sure on.
8) a lound This should be loud. sound - quiet or low sound ? I think quiet is appropriate here.
9) a high voice - low or gentle voice ? "High" refers to pitch and the opposite is "low".
Forum > English only