Lettre motivation/aide
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Message de zazadepessac posté le 22-03-2012 à 18:40:50 (S | E | F)
L'année prochaine j'aimerais intégrer une section OIB américain et pour cela il faut tout d'abord faire une lettre de motivation présentant notre cursus scolaire et linguistique. Si cette lettre est assez convaincante, je serais inscrit à l'examen pour rentrer dans cette section. Cette section serait un rêve pour moi car elle me permettrait de devenir bilingue.
Il faut que je donne cette lettre demain à mon collège. Je n'ai été au courant qu'hier, c'est pour cela que je suis pressée !
Voici ma lettre, serait-il possible que quelqu'un ait la gentillesse de me corriger, je lui serais entièrement reconnaissante !
Object : Cover letter for the International american section.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing you this cover letter, hoping I could integrate the american OIB class next year.
I am very interesting in this one because, now, to have a very good language ability of the English language is really important, as English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It's also really useful to have a good knowledge of the language in the everyday life. Moreover, I love languages; especially american. It's why I apply for it. Indeed, from school to college, I always kept the most hours of English as possible. English was also my LV1. But I didn't have European English Section in my college. In other side, I have the possibility to enter in the European German Section. I kept it because I'm very curious of every things and this section didn't touch in my English hours and didn't reduce English as the level LV2. From my "sixième" to my "troisième" I have also two languages LV1. That prove I was a serious student who has not afraid to studing a lot. I am too very ambitious.
"Why American and not German?" ask you maybe. Because I love American since I was a little girl, because I am always in contact. Actually I have family in the United State and I went in this country and I am in love it.
This sexion allows me to be in the relation with americans peoples, to deepen my american culture and to improve my american's language. All that help me to have a special link with this country where I get some origins.
I am a cultivated student by the many trips I could do in the many countries in the world.
My main aim is to be a perfect bilingual.
Sincerely yours,
Merci d'avance, je vous remercie de tout mon coeur.
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-03-2012 21:20
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de zazadepessac, postée le 22-03-2012 à 21:05:14 (S | E)
Please. Can you help me ? I'm desperate !
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-03-2012 21:24
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de lucile83, postée le 22-03-2012 à 21:25:42 (S | E)
Merci de patienter un peu car les membres du site sont sans doute occupés ailleurs (vie de famille ou activité professionnelle par exemple); dès qu'un membre pourra vous aider il le fera.
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de gerondif, postée le 23-03-2012 à 00:18:43 (S | E)
il y aurait des choses à réécrire plutôt qu'à corriger:
Object : Cover letter for the International american section.(majuscule)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing (you) this cover letter, hoping I could integrate the american OIB class next year.
I am sending you this cover letter as I would really like to integrate the American OIB class next year.
I am very interesting(interessante ou interessée?) in this one(correct mais maladroit) because, now, to have a very good language ability of the English language (un peu charabia)is really important, as English is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
I am very interested in this section because I think mastering the English language (speaking English fluently)is really important as English is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
It's also really useful to have a good knowledge of the language in
Indeed, from junior school to high school, I always kept the most hours of English as possible(un peu charabia). English was also my LV1.
I have indeed always tried to study English as many hours as I could at school , and English was my first foreign language.
But I didn't have (expression il y a : there is)European English Section in my college. In other side, I have the possibility to enter in the European German Section. I kept it because I'm very curious of every things and this section didn't touch in (sens?)my English hours and didn't reduce English as the level (sens?)LV2. From my "sixième" to my "troisième" I have(temps) also two languages LV1. That prove* (le S) I was a serious student who has not afraid to studing a lot. I am too(mal placé) very ambitious.
There was no European English Section in my high school but I had the opportunity to enter the European German Section, which I did because I am curious of everything and it allowed me to have two first languages throughout my high school years. It shows I was a dedicated pupil very keen on studying (languages). I am very ambitious as well.
"Why American and not German?" ask you maybe. Because I love(temps) American since I was a little girl, because I am always(still?) in contact. Actually I have family in the United States and I went in this country and I am in love with it.
You probably wonder: "Why American and not German?" Well, I have loved America /the American language/ since I was a young girl because I have relatives in the United States whom I still meet. I have already been to the States and I love that country.
This sexion allows(un conditionnel irait mieux) me to be in
je vous laisse corriger ce paragraphe.
I am a cultivated student by(maladroit) the many trips I could do in the many countries in the world.
I am a cultivated student because I have travelled in numerous countries.
My main aim is to be a perfect bilingual(bilingual est un adjectif, construction à revoir).
Sincerely yours, (il me semble que dans l'autre sens, c'est plus courant)
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de zazadepessac, postée le 23-03-2012 à 21:50:34 (S | E)
Thank you very much!
You really save my life ^^ Thanks, I hope I would be taken, that will be so good.
And after I would have an exam... I already stress :/
Thanks again,
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-03-2012 22:10
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de gerondif, postée le 23-03-2012 à 22:46:37 (S | E)
You're welcome !
Vous inversez vos conditionnels et vos futurs!!
Thank you very much!
You really save my life ^^ Thanks, I hope I will be taken, that would be so good.
And after that, I will have an exam... I am already stressing!!
Thanks again,
J'espère que vous ne faites pas partie de ce nombre grandissant de gens qui confondent le son é et le son ê, la terminaison verbale ai (futur) et ais, ait (conditionnel ou imparfait):
Je serai prise: futur: I will be taken.
Ce serait super: That would be great !
Après, j'aurai un examen: After that, I will have an exam.
Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de zazadepessac, postée le 24-03-2012 à 08:20:39 (S | E)
Je ne les confonds pas en français mais en anglais on n'a même pas appris ce temps, je l'ai appris de moi même alors voilà.... Faut que je travaille encore, j'ai encore plein de boulot.
Êtes-vous bilingue?
(et vous me faites rire, dans ma lettre vous faisiez que dire que c'était maladroit et lourd, ma prof de français me fait les mêmes remarques et pourtant je le travaille avec elle... Décidément c'est pas mon point fort ça et c'est hyper important :/
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2012 08:52
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