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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de maxime302 posté le 20-03-2012 à 22:50:27 (S | E | F)

j'ai écrit une lettre de motivation afin de postuler dans une entreprise d'IT belge. Celle-ci exige cependant que la lettre soit rédigée en anglais. Serait-il possible d'obtenir une correction ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide :-) !

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a post as YT Young Graduate (55873). I am currently in the second year of the master in computer science at the University of Namur. Further to your visit to the Job Days at the university, I am particularly interested in working in your company.

During my studies, I realised several academic projects, alone or in a team. The biggest of them is a system that allows the purchase and sale of shares on a stock exchange. This project asked us to realise de entire process of conception, from functional analysis to coding, testing and deployment. This project has taught me teamwork and management of an entire project : coordination of tasks and management of working time.

I did an internship at the Concordia University in Montreal. The internship was axed on the research. This consisted to develop a system of trust between different agents in a multiagents system. I did this research with another person of my university. Our work is particularly interested in web services. This internship, in another country, in a university mainly English-speaking, has taught me to adapt myself to different contexts.

I have an open mind and I like to learn new things. I can adapt myself easily to a working method or a technology. I try to constantly evolve and not stagnate in my skills and knowledge.

Thank you very much for taking the time to learn me. In that regard, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the possibility to joining your company. Please find my résumé enclosed. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-03-2012 06:11


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