Help/correct word
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Message from grenouille182 posted on 16-03-2012 at 17:32:41 (D | E | F)
I would like you to check this exercise please.
For each sentence I have four options, I chose one, I wrote the other options in brackets.
Thank you for your answers.
1. I´d like to go on holiday abroad with you. The only ´´snag´´ is that I´m tight on money right now. (pitfall, disadvantage, mistake)
2. A lot of celebrities give to charitable ´´causes´´ because they can afford to. (provisions, motives, cases)
3. On that night throughout Europe bonfires were lit along hillsides to ´´ celebrate´´ the shortest night of the year (honour, commemorate, commiserate)
4.Bones of farm animals slaughtered the previous autumn were burned and, when fires had ´´gone out´´, the remaining ash was put to good use: it was spread on the fields to enrich the land.
5. Another quaint tradition involves the ´´ launching´´ (landing,propelling,erecting) of a small hot-air balloons, althought they are ´´ prohibited´´ (barred, outlawed, sanctioned) by law in the cities because of the fire ´´hazard´´ (certainty, peril, jeopardy)
6. Thistles, playing a significant role in the celebration of MIdsummer´s Night in Europe, were thought to ´´ ward off´´ witches in the past (deflect, attract, avert)
7. This pretty, prickly plant was nailed over barn doors and used in wreths, the circular shape being a ´´symbol´´ of the turning of the seasons (sign, logo,password)
8.At Easter, local guys swim out to ´´rescue´´ a basket, find the girl it belongs to and claim a dance at the town´s party. (salvage, set free, liberate)
9. Fewer than a bird of advertisin executives believe their campaigns help to sell products, a survey has ´´revealed´´ (exposed,expressed,published)
10.Some witnesses claimed the police had ´´escalated´´ the violence by their confrontation tactics. (erupted,escaped,escorted)
11.I can´t understand how Pete could ever find anything as his flat was most of the time ´´cluttered´´ (cramped,jumbled, messed)
12.Burglars had ´´ransacked´´ the flat leaving it in a deplorable condition to its owner. (rampaged, rifled, dripped
13.Gill´s limited knowledge of Italian was a ´´constraint´´ in her studies (tie,bind, detterent)
14.Tom´s solution to the problem was ´´ingenious´´ and brought the project back on course (calculating, inadvertent, shifty)
15.Published in 1999, the book was a ´´runaway´´ best-seler with almost 50 000 copies sold in its first year.(runner,running,rundown)
16. This report ´´inspects´´ the current problems faced by the youth and suggests a number of improvements in fighting drugs.(encloses,encapsulates,involves)
17. The howl of the wind was desolate enough as it gusted through the old ´´decaying´´ houses of the cities.(disturbed,derelicted,destitute)
18. The goods they have on offer in the market are certainly ´´valuable´´ (worthy,valued,good value)
19. Only God knows why I found myself in this ´´abandoned´´place, woken up startled and having no one to turn to for anything.(out-of-the country, derelict, godforsaken)
20. In the hope that things would ´´gel´´ the sailor left the harbour at the mercy of the sea waves.(cream,oil,water)
21. When you buy a house you can claim tax ´´relief´´ on the mortgage (aid,assistance,benefit)
22. I enjoy going to that shopping mall because the staff are so ´´courteous´´.(obsequious,subservient,respectable)
23. Yoda looked out of the elevator – a(n) ´´agitated´´ crowd had gathered round the elevator area, pointing and shouting.(excited,timid,flippant)
24. As a result he now found himself spending his fast-declining years ´´combating´´ evil and trying to save the Galaxy. (exploiting,diminishing,spreading)
25. Giving your son pocket money was a ´´disincetive´´. to his finding work on his own. (drawback,mistake,disadvantage)
26. It was a cave, or a labyrinth, or a tunnel of something - there was ´´inadequate´´ light to
tell. All was darkness, a damp shiny darkness. (shortage,insufficient, scarce)
Edited by lucile83 on 16-03-2012 21:51
Re: Help/correct word from notrepere, posted on 17-03-2012 at 06:27:36 (D | E)
Several questions seem like they could have different choices, but I'm not sure of which one. The only one I'm sure is wrong is #19.
Re: Help/correct word from mattypaps5, posted on 17-03-2012 at 16:56:13 (D | E)
3. Commemorate
19. god forsaken
8. None of the choices are work. The closest two would be salvage and rescue, but neither work in this context. Salvage is used when you talk about using an item that was damaged by an event. Like... I tried to salvage as many items as i could after the flood. And RESCUE can only be used on living objects.. And a basket is not living.
8.(At Easter, "Wrong")During Easter, local guys swim out to ´´get´´ a basket. Then they find the girl it belongs to and claim a dance for towns celebration.
Most of the sentences have a lot of mistakes. I didn't read them all but your answers seemed ok.
Edited by lucile83 on 18-03-2012 17:26
Re: Help/correct word from bluestar, posted on 18-03-2012 at 00:49:06 (D | E)
At 4 we are not given the other three options.
At 8 none of the four options seems right, but "rescue" is slightly better than the other three.
At 17 "derelict" (not "derelicted") is possibly better.
At 18 "good value" sounds more appropriate.
At 19 "godforsaken" sounds more natural.
At 20 the sense is unclear - is the word "jell" meant here?...
At 26 write "insufficient"
Good luck!
Edited by lucile83 on 18-03-2012 17:27
Forum > English only