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Idioms-phrasal verbs (1)

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Idioms-phrasal verbs
Message from grenouille182 posted on 15-03-2012 at 22:49:11
HI everybody. I´m looking for a native speaker who could help me with my homework. I need to do various exercices concerning english idioms and phrasal verbs. I need your help because I don´t know why, but the teacher gives us so much homework and I can´t spend all the time doing only one subject , so I appreciate your help but I promise, I will learn all the things from these handouts.
If someone have some free time to help me, please write me a message and your email, I could send you these handouts by email.
And if you are learning French, maybe I could help you with it as a thankyou )

Edited by lucile83 on 16-03-2012 06:12
- you have to do your own work first; that is the most important point
- we don't e-mail any work
- you can post your work here in several parts if it is very long
- this topic is closed as it is useless for the moment

Re: Idioms-phrasal verbs by notrepere, posted on 16-03-2012 at 00:30:42
Hello Frog

We don't do homework for people. You do the homework and then we'll correct it. Soliciting people to do your homework is a good way to get yourself banned.

Re: Idioms-phrasal verbs by grenouille182, posted on 16-03-2012 at 00:54:40
I didn´t know that ...

Re: Idioms-phrasal verbs by grenouille182, posted on 16-03-2012 at 01:00:01
and if I do all the exercises I need to be corrected, can I post all here ? Is there a limit for the lenght of homework which can be corrected ?

Re: Idioms-phrasal verbs by may, posted on 16-03-2012 at 03:12:27
Hello Frog or Grenouille,


Yes, please feel free to post your exercises here. There's always somebody (I mean native ones) who would be more than happy to help you no matter how long your homework would be

Best wishes!

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