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If / whether

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If / whether
Message from nareshbabu posted on 04-03-2012 at 08:23:22 (D | E | F)

in direct/indirect speech while reporting the interrogation if or whether can be used;
will you please teach me how to use them?
For example
Q he said to me,"are you an Indian?"
A he asked me whether I was an Indian OR he asked me if I was an Indian

Edited by lucile83 on 04-03-2012 09:37

Re: If / whether from alep, posted on 04-03-2012 at 11:33:40 (D | E)
Hello nareshbabu,

Whether often occurs after verbs such as ask, doubt, decide, know, say, see and wonder, with adjectives such as doubtful, sure, and with nouns like doubt, question.

If is more linked to the conditional.

In your sentence, both can be said, but "whether" sounds more English, and it is the one I would use.

Have a good day,

Re: If / whether from violet91, posted on 04-03-2012 at 20:26:21 (D | E)

I shall add my word in English, then!

1 ) In ' Standard English' -that is the English we teach and pupils, students are taught overhere- you should use " whether" as any other WH...interrogative word. It is the pronoun of the indirect interrogative form. That is proper English and the case in your sentence.

It is true, though, you can read or hear (rather) 'if' in spoken English and written/spoken American in the meaning of ' whether'. You should stick to ' whether' which is grammatically the right word .

2 ) ' If' is the conjunction for the hypothetic form .The action will depend on the condition stated.
EX : What about going out for a walk on the seashore this afternoon, if the weather keeps so nice and sunny ?

Hope this helps, too.

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