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Lettre motivation/ Erasmus

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Lettre motivation/ Erasmus
Message de ratmolly posté le 28-02-2012 à 10:10:33 (S | E | F)

Je souhaite partir en Erasmus l'année prochaine, et mon dossier de candidature doit comporter une lettre de motivation en anglais. J'aimerais beaucoup avoir des avis et éventuelles corrections sur ce que j'ai écrit.
Merci d'avance, et bonne journée !

"Dear Sir or Dear Madam,

After two years of classes preparing for entrance examinations to the French Grandes Ecoles, I am presently a third year student of political sciences in the Law University at ***. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program. To have the chance to study abroad for a semester represents an enormous opportunity for me.

Even if I am interested in political sciences for a long time, I have really discovered it this year and the courses I follow at the University constantly reinforce my liking for a field in which I would like to work. European subjects have more particularly caught my attention and I have really enjoyed studying it during the first semester of the present year.

But I think that the view I currently have of the European Union is incomplete and maybe too much “occidental”: I would like to open my eyes to other countries, traditions, values, cultures, lifestyles, apprehensions of the world… To my mind, European eastern countries perfectly match my desire precisely because they are different from what I know. I have traveled in few countries, as Ireland, Spain, Morocco and Croatia, but I have never been in Eastern Europe and I feel very attracted to Poland, due to the few things I know about it (its history, its landscapes, its culture…) and which improve my desire to live in Krakow for few months.

Moreover, I am also very concerned with the problems of the land settlement and the protection of the environment: in my opinion, it is possible to combine the two domains and I would like to take part in this challenge in my future life. Sustainable development has gained an international dimension and a lot of policies are negotiated at the European level: to have a more global approach and observe how other people consider these questions appear as a necessity.

I am an independent, dynamic and rigorous person, with a good capacity for adaptation as my redeployment at the University proves (the content and the functioning of my former studies were very different). A semester sent abroad would allow me to complete my profile by acquiring maturity through a different living environment. I think it would be a great experience in both a personal and professional way.

I thank you, in advance, for your interest and the time you have spent looking at my request.

Yours faithfully, "

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2012 13:22
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Réponse: Lettre motivation/ Erasmus de sherry48, postée le 29-02-2012 à 14:58:30 (S | E)
Hello ratmolly. Here are just a few suggestions for improvement.
Even if (choose another synonym)I am interested (tense)in political sciences for a long time, I have really discovered it this year and the courses I follow at the University constantly reinforce my liking for a (if have already chosen to work in this field, the definite article) field in which I would like to work. European subjects have more particularly caught my attention and I have really enjoyed studying it during the first semester of the present year.

...countries perfectly match my desire precisely (perhaps only one of these adverbs ?) because they are different from what I know. I have traveled in * few countries, * as Ireland, Spain, Morocco and Croatia, but I have never been in (different preposition) Eastern Europe

Have a nice day. Sherry


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